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It was practically nightmare after nightmare whenever you shut your eyes. Sometimes you'd awake sweating and uncomfortable, others you'd be sobbing and an absolute mess. This was one of those times, you'd awaken sobbing after trying to get some rest on the way to Dathomir.

"Maybe we shouldn't go to Dathomir Y/N. This trip is draining you and we haven't even landed on the planet yet." Rex said as he sat next to you. You'd woken up crying once more. "N-No." You hiccuped as you wiped away tears. You'd dreamt that everyone who was going with you died on Dathomir. There were so many dreams that were slowly wearing you down. You couldn't tell which were visions, if any of them were visions, or if none of them were visions. But all of your dreams resulted in someone dying.

"Rex." You said softly and he brought a hand up to your face, he gently caressed the side of your face. "Yes, darling?" He asked softly as you placed your hand on his own and leaned into his gentle touch.

Who could have known a man made for war was so gentle?

"If something happens to me on Dathomir-" You began but Rex was quick to cut you off. "Don't talk like that Y/N. We're all going to leave alive okay? No one is going to leave anyone behind." He said as he moved his hand and placed two fingers under your chin and lifted it up slightly so you would look at him. "And we're especially not leaving you. You're too beautiful to be left on that dreadful planet." He said as he smiled playfully. You grinned as a blush rose to your cheeks and you waved your hand dismissively. "I hate when you do that." You said a grin still on your face.

"Do what? Flatter you?" He asked and you rolled your eyes. "You do it to make me flustered." You pointed out and Rex laughed. "I might. But I can't help it. You're too cute, darling." He said as he kissed your cheek. You began to blush harder and Rex's grin widened.

"We're approaching Dathomir." Both you and Rex heard on the intercom. "Hop up, let's get going." Rex said as he helped you out of the small bed you'd been sleeping on.

You grabbed your weapons. One of which included the beskar spear.

When the ship landed on Dathomir you could immediately sense something different about the atmosphere.

"Everything okay?" Rex asked silently, noticing how you'd suddenly become tense. "I'm not sure..." You hesitated. You watched as the ramp began to open. Rex was ready to step off of the ship but you but a hand out. "I need you to stay here." You suddenly said.


Rex was more than confused by this. At first you'd been asking him to come along and now you were telling him to stay.

"Please. Stay on the ship. Everyone needs to stay. I can't let anyone get hurt." You said. You felt as if this were the best option. They'd be safe.

"I won't let you go alone. I'm sorry but that's not an option." Rex said and you looked at him.

"Rex..." You began as you then placed your hands on his shoulders. "I would never be able to forgive myself if anything ever happened to you." You said quietly. "I know that this is something that I have to do and do alone. I'm more likely to be unscathed because I'm their kin. So please, just stay on the ship." You said as your hands reached up to his helmet.

You so gently took off his helmet and saw how desperately worried he was. "Please." You begged silently once more. Rex was conflicted, his chest tightened at the idea of letting you go alone.

But he knew that you were strong and capable.

"Okay." He said silently as he clenched his teeth. You smiled softly at his response and you got up on your tippy toes and kissed Rex.

Rex placed a hand on the back of your head. His kiss was of passion but also fear. Like he'd never see you again.

Once you pulled away you placed his helmet back on his head and turned to walk down the ramp to the foggy forest.

"Darling." Rex called out and you turned to look at him.

"I love you."

The words stung. You knew he meant them with all of his being. But this only determined you to not let this mere parting be the last.

"I love you too, Rex." You said and you turned away and walked further from the ship and into the dense fog.

You couldn't help but let a tear slip as you walked away.

This won't be the end, I'll make sure of it.

Anakin walked out from the cockpit and looked around. "Where's Y/N?" He asked and Rex stood silently as he looked out into the seemingly abyss of a dead forest.

"She went alone?" Anakin realized more than questioning.

Anakin could feel the overwhelming heartache echoing off of Rex and he turned to Rex. Anakin placed a hand on his shoulder. "She will be okay. This is her destiny, this is where her path was always meant to lead up to. Because the force is truly strong with her, I sense she'll make it out of this one. The force will protect her." Anakin reassured Rex.

Rex hoped that his general was right about this one.

Invasion {Captain Rex x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now