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Traversing the dead forests of Dathomir was far from easy. You tried using your instincts and even the Force but to no avail.

You were unsure of how much time you'd already spent as you wandered through the forest.

You decided to sit down and close your eyes, letting your thoughts guide you and letting the will of the force flow freely through you. Or you at least hoped that's what was going on.

Suddenly, flashes of visions appeared. For a split second, you could see through the eyes of someone else. They were running through the forest. Their breaths labored but their goal clear as they approached someone. You heard the aiming of a bow behind you just as you saw the person aiming the bow through their own eyes.

Suddenly the arrow was shot and you snapped your eyes open and moved out of the way. You looked over in the direction of where the assailant may be lingering.

"I'm not here to hurt anyone!" You called out, but no response. You kept your weapons out of your hands in order to bring some clarity to your words.

"I'm looking for the Nightsisters." You spoke out. A sudden voice of a woman that seemed to come from all directions called out, "Return from where you came. You are stepping beyond your bounds, human." She said and you heard multiple strings of bows being stretched. There were now more than one.

"I am one of you! And I am here to learn. I have proof!" You shouted as you looked all around you. No noise came from your surrounding area for a few stressful moments.

Suddenly the snap of a branch to your right caught your attention and you turned. A tall shadowy figure appeared from the tree line and as it approached you, you saw that she wore red cloaks and had unique facial markings. "You state that you have proof." She said. It was the same voice that surrounded you. You nodded slowly and moved your hands even slower to your satchel.

You then proceeded to pull out the small animal hide that contained a piece of crystal. You opened it up and outstretched your hand to her. "I was abandoned long ago. On a distant planet. I was found by my adoptive parents with only this." You said as she outstretched her hand to the crystal but did not pick it up. It began to float and a green mist emitted from the crystal as it did.

"You have a piece of evidence, but further examination is required. I am Mother Talzin of the Nightsisters and you bring forth the claim of my kin flowing through your blood." She said as she examined the piece and then suddenly took it for herself. "Follow me." She ordered as she turned around.

What you assumed to be her guards then appeared from within the tree line and surrounded you, only breaking in their formation to allow you to follow Mother Talzin.

You hesitantly proceeded to follow Mother Talzin, unaware of what was to come next.

"I don't like this, General." Rex said as his leg bounced impatiently. "Stay calm, Rex. As I've told you before, she's capable of handling herself and you've even seen it for yourself." Anakin reminded him as he placed a hand on Rex's shoulder. "Something is wrong here, I-I just know it, sir." Rex said followed by a sigh. "This place already gives off an unsettling feeling, but please just stay calm so when the time comes your head is clear." Anakin said patting his shoulder one more time before leaving Rex alone.

"Sit." One of Mother Talzin's guards ordered and you did as they asked. You sat on a flat boulder and watched Mother Talzin as she walked over to a long slab of rock set up similar to a table. As she waved her hand, a green mist made trails behind her hand and suddenly a crystal ball appeared. It was chipped in multiple places and for a moment, Mother Talzin studied your chipped piece of the crystal and then the crystal ball.

She then found a spot where the piece could fit and she hovered the piece over the empty spot. It then seemingly clicked into place, flying to the empty spot like it was a magnet.

A green mist appeared around you, it swirled for a moment. Whispers of an unknown language rang in your ears as you watched the mist become similar to a string, one end connecting to the crystal ball.

The other end to your heart.

When the mist disappeared as did the sounds of whispers and you looked up at Mother Talzin. "She is of our kind." She said as she looked at you curiously.

She chipped your piece again, it levitated your way until you reached out and grasped it with your own hand. "I must consult with our elder. I advise you to come with me." She said motioning to you. You felt the unease of the other Sisters. Nonetheless, you followed Mother Talzin.

None of her guards ended up following the two of you. It almost made you more uneasy than before. You followed Mother Talzin into a dark cave, and as the two of you walked every few steps a torch would suddenly ignite without warning.

At the end of the cave sat a boiling cauldron of what you assumed was water, and then through the steam of the heated water, you saw the face of an elderly woman. "Old Daka." Talzin greeted her as you both approached the center of the room.

"You have brought Y/N to me. Why?" Daka questioned, you were surprised that she knew your name. "I have questions that need to be answered." Mother Talzin stated clearly as Daka walked around the pot to meet with you and Mother Talzin. 

"About her biological family, I am guessing. I am also wondering this same thing." Daka stated clearly. She held out her wrinkly and frail hand. "Give me your palm, sister." She said and you obeyed.

Daka traced your palm for a moment before slicing your flesh with her fingernail. You hissed in pain at the sudden action. She took a drop of blood from your hand and dropped it into the pot. Images began to appear in the haze, you looked up to see a woman who was no doubt a Nightsister by her appearance, and a male human. 

"Sister Hemila? How fascinating." Mother Talzin said as she eyed the woman. 

"We can't take her with us." You suddenly heard the faint sound of a soft voice. "Then we will leave her here." The man said, and the image of an infant swaddled in a light grey blanket appeared in the haze. Presumably you. 

"We can't just abandon her-" The woman interjected but the man placed a hand on her shoulder. "We have to go, we don't have time." He said and she looked worriedly at him.

The woman reached for her pocket before pulling out the chip of your crystal and then tucked it neatly into a folded part of your swaddled blanket. She kissed the top of your forehead and set you down on a nearby crate. "You will be protected, I know it dearest daughter of mine." She said softly before leaving with whom must have been your father.

Then the imaging was gone. You looked at Mother Talzin and Old Daka. "Wh-Where are they?" You asked pointing to the haze and clutching your crystal tightly. "They were killed long ago. But it's surprising to find out Sister Hemila deviated from the rules of the Nightsisters and kept this secret for so long." Daka said.

"You are our blood, but that doesn't mean we will treat you as one of us." Mother Talzin suddenly spat. "Now hold on a moment, Sister." Daka said, "I think it's in our best interest to ally with her." Daka said as she looked up at Mother Talzin. "You must remember Hemila's strength. I think it wisest we keep everyone's best interest at heart." Daka said vaguely. "Who was my father?" You asked, not paying any mind to their words.

"This is uncertain..." Daka said, "But he was a member of the Republic." She informed you. Mother Talzin turned to look at you. "When the Republic ventured on our planet, he was captured and brought to our camp. The rest of his forces escaped and he eventually escaped as well. We were very confused as to how this may have happened, but it is now quite clear." She said as she balled a fist.

"In any case, we must discuss the next steps that we will take with young Sister Y/N."

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