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You sighed in relief once you boarded the Venator and after Maul was locked away. Now you and Ahsoka were standing at the bridge silently for a moment.

"What do you think you will do after this?" You asked Ahsoka while turning your head to look at her. She bit her lip in thought for a moment before shaking her head. "I'm not sure to be honest. I still have a lot to think about. I might return to someone I met recently." She said. She then looked at you, "What about you?" She asked curiously.

You shrugged, "I hope to harness whatever ability I have honestly." You said and she nodded as she raised her eyebrows, "I could tell you were force sensitive. But you're unique." She said and you smiled, "I'm actually related to the Nightsisters believe it or not. I only learned this not to long ago." You said as you scratched the back of your head.

"Wow that really is something. I'm sure the Republic is lucky to have you." She said with a smile. You smiled back in return before looking out the window to watch the blue and white streaks fly by.

Just then, a terrible sensation came over you. You squeezed your eyes shut as you held your head which began to ache painfully. You heard echos of screams, like they were from distant planets. You could hear blaster fire ever so distantly as well. Cries of pain from so many at once.

And then it stopped.

You opened your eyes to look at Ahsoka who was also looking at you worriedly. You could sense that she also felt this.

You both ran to the communications room. When the blast door opened, Rex had just finished getting a transmission. "Rex, something is terribly wrong." You said before he turned around and pulled out both of his blasters.

"S-Stay back!" He said, his arms shaking wildly. "I-I can't... find Fives... Find him!" He screamed before he began shooting at you and Ahsoka. You moved out of the way just as she ignited her lightsabers. You pulled out your beskar spear just in case you had to deflect any blaster shots.

"Take this!" Ahsoka said as she handed you a lightsaber. You took it and helped her defend before she hopped on Rex and pushed him over after stepping on his shoulders. You followed her lead as she made a hole in the ceiling, but not before taking one last painful look at Rex.

Before you could climb up the beskar spear was shot out of your hand and it fell onto the floor. You mentally cursed only for a moment before following Ahsoka up into the vents.

"They're down!" You heard a clone trooper shout distantly as the two of you crawled quickly away.

You followed Ahsoka into a storage unit where you sat on the floor, tears streamed down your face. "Why..." You began as your heart ached. You couldn't explain the pure terror you felt as you'd witnessed the man you loved shot at you, intending to kill you.

Ahsoka walked over and kneeled at you side. She hugged you tightly. "I know it's tough right now, but we need to find answers okay? We'll make it out of here." She whispered as she hugged you tightly and reassuringly.

Ahsoka helped you up as you wiped away the tears from your face. Ahsoka then motioned you to come closer as she found a few astro-droids.

You helped power them on before Ahsoka explained to them what had happened, making your heart ache all over again.

Ahsoka looked at you, "Rex mentioned Fives. I think if we can get somewhere that has information then we can look up Five's file." She said and you nodded.

"I need you to see if you can locate Rex, here are some comlinks." She said as she pulled a pair out from her pocket. She handed one to you before she clipped it to her wrist and turned it on.

"Make sure to keep a safe distance. Whatever you do, don't approach him." She said and you nodded, deciding it was best not to say anything.

You both parted ways, you made your way around various halls. One hallway you found two clones patrolling, you hid just around the corner. "No sign of the fugitives." One said and you furrowed your eyebrows.


You then whipped around the corner where you pulled your blaster out, switched it to stun and stunned both clones before they could even react. You ran over to one and took the comlink off of his wrist and put it on the wrist that didn't have the comlink Ahsoka gave you.

Once you heard more footsteps you jumped up to the vent above and then closed it just as another patrol rounded the corner.

"We've got two men down!" You heard one clone report. At least this would draw lots of attention so Ahsoka may have a better chance of not being found.

You crawled away in the vent before you heard Ahsoka speak through the comlink.

"Y/N, I found something. I need you to find Rex and bring him to medbay 5." She whispered and you replied, "I'm on it." You said before continuing to crawl.

It took you a few minutes before you found Rex with his blasters out. You waited until he was right underneath you before jumping down and landing on him. He fell and hit his head, knocking him out.

"I'm so sorry." You whispered as you got off of him. You began to drag him to the medical wing, having to even hide for a few minutes in a storage compartment.

You finally made it to the medbay room where Ahsoka helped you lift him onto the table.

"I need you to defend while I find something. Fives apparently spoke of a chip within the brain that gives directives. I'm going to scan for it, if they find out where we are I'm going to need you to block their shots while it gets removed." She said and you nodded. She handed you both of her lightsabers. "Just in case." She said before putting Rex in the scanner.

Your heart was beating rapidly while you waited, but you kept hearing beeps that didn't sound to good.

"Change of plans I need help!" She said and you rushed over to her after setting her lightsabers down on a table next to her.

"I need you to help me... we're going to have to look for it using the Force." She said and you looked at her with concern and confusion. "Just trust in the Force, okay?" She said calmly. You nodded and watched as she gently placed her hands on one side of his head, you did the same on the other side of his head.

You both closed your eyes and concentrated. Moments went by but still nothing, you tried even harder to concentrate before a different noise erupted from the machine. You snapped open your eyes and Ahsoka ran over to the end of the table where a holoscreen was at. "Keep an eye on him while he's under, okay?" She said.

Suddenly the blast door was trying to be opened, but one of the droids was preventing that from happening. "They're in here!" You heard a clone on the other side shout.

"Get this open, now!" You heard from the other side, they then began to weld it open. But all you could do was keep your eyes on Rex. You bit the inside of your cheek as it felt like it was an eternity of him being under the operating machine.

The blast door then opened and Ahsoka deflected the blaster fire. You pulled out your own blaster and stunned a clone before it was shot out of your hand.

You tried reaching for it, but it had slid off towards the back of the room after it hit the ground.

You then dived for it and just as you were about to aim your blaster, you heard the sound of clones being stunned.

You turned your head to see Rex sitting up as he shakily held his blasters. After you'd grabbed yours you ran over to him, but stayed cautious. "I-" He began. "I'm so sorry..." He said shamefully. You then hugged him as he sat on the table, he was stunned slightly but then wrapped his arms around you.

Ahsoka sighed in relief as she clipped her lightsabers back on her belt. "I'm going to map our way out but I'll be fast." She said as she turned to one of the droids.

Rex hopped down from the table before he gently placed his hands on your face as tears filled his eyes. "I'm so sorry darling. I-I couldn't help it." He said as he looked into your eyes for any forgiveness.

"It's okay Rex, you're better now. We're going to get out of here." You said and he nodded. He gently pressed his forehead against yours.

"I love you, so very much." Rex whispered.

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