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You ran through the hangar, hoping to find Rex, or maybe even another member of the 501st.

The sirens blaring above didn't help keep you calm as you looked everywhere for Rex. Distress covered your features as you kept looking around.

"Y/N!" You heard from afar. You turned your attention to see Rex clear on the other side of the hangar waving you down. You ran towards him, even if your wound was still sore you didn't care.

"Where's the Generals?" You asked as you approached him. "You were right, Grievous is attacking the capital now. That's where the Generals are heading off to. But I was just made a Commander, and the 501st was split so we can go help Ahsoka on Mandalore." He said and you raised your hands "Whoa, whoa, what? Slow down. Who's Ashoka and what's going on at Mandalore?" You asked but he just motioned you to get on the ship. "We don't have much time, I'll explain on the way there." He said and you sighed as you boarded.

Just before the ship left the hangar an orange Togruta boarded the ship. "Y/N, this is Ahsoka, she was my commander for a few years. Ahsoka, this is Y/N, she's force sensitive but not a Jedi." Rex explained and you shook Ahsoka's hand. "It's nice to meet you." She smiled and you smiled in return with a nod, "You as well." You replied just as the ship took off.

"Bo Katan may have just located Darth Maul, one of the Sith Lords. Although our main objective is going to be taking Mandalore back." Ahsoka said and you nodded as you grabbed onto one of the leverage handles overhead.

"Maul arrived at the city two days ago, so we're uncertain of if he's still there, although I sense that he may still be." Ahsoka explained, "Once we find Maul, what will we do?" You asked as you looked at Ahsoka.

"Leave him to me."

After you'd boarded a separate Venator you hopped on a LAAT to get to the surface of Mandalore. That's where you met Bo Katan, who wasn't too friendly but you didn't mind.

"Here put this on." Rex said as you both stood in the dimly lit LAAT. He handed you a jet pack and you slipped it on. "Be careful out there, please." He said as he placed a hand on your shoulder. You knew he was desperately worried.

"I'll be okay." You smiled up at him. Just as you'd done so, the LAAT shook violently, causing you to fall over but Rex caught you. "You seem to be doing a fantastic job already." He smirked and you lightly punched him while rolling your eyes.

The sides of the LAATs opened up so you all could look out into the skies and defend yourselves from the incoming Mandalorians. You pulled out your blaster as you held onto the handle above your head tightly.

"You ready?!" Rex shouted over the roaring engines of the LAAT. You nodded with a mischievous grin and Rex smiled, "Race you to the surface!" He said as he jumped out. You followed him and evaded incoming explosions. Some hit LAATs on the way down, although most of them were evaded.

You noticed you were being trailed by two Mandalorians in red and you whipped around while your jetpack stayed activated, so you were still flying to the surface, just on your back. You aimed your blaster and shot at the two Mandalorians, the first shot missed but the second blaster shot hit the one on the left, causing him to suddenly divert his course and hit the other Mandalorian on the right.

You internally cheered as you whipped back around and dove down faster to the surface. As you approached the surface you noticed Ahsoka was being backed up to the edge as she defended herself with her lightsabers. You got down to her as fast as possible and aimed your blaster at the enemies before shooting a few down nearby. You heard the sound of a jetpack behind you and you took a glance over your shoulder to see Rex and you smiled.

Invasion {Captain Rex x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now