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"Sir, from the data we collected we can assume bombs are scattered in the main city and the other villages." You heard a clone trooper inform Rex. You sat just outside the meeting room, your eyes still peeled on the dirt patch below you.

The event of the blast, you flying through the window of a nearby building, your mother sobbing as you could practically see her heart being ripped out of her chest at the sight of your father, and then finally your father dying. It was all replaying in your head, like an infinite reel you'd never be able to stop, you'd never be able to push pause. It was there forever.

Rex squatted before you. Your arms were wrapped around your knees as your legs were pressed against your torso. Rex took off his helmet to look at you, his expression was consumed with worry and sorrow.

You didn't even know what to say. You didn't even know if you could speak for the fear of the waterworks overflowing again. "Did Kix patch you up alright?" Rex asked softly as he sat before you. You only nodded as a response. "Your mother should be almost done, I can lead her here if that's what you'd like." He informed you and you nodded again.

You couldn't look into his regretful eyes, every time you did your heart ached at the memory of your father. He knew what had happened, and he wanted to comfort you, but he knew the wound was brand new and fresh, and he could tell it was something you didn't want him poking at.

He sat down next to you. His hand slowly reached its way to be in front of you. Your face contorted into sadness as you began crying again and you turned over and hugged him tightly. Rex's heart ached as he hugged you back just as firmly. He wished you of all people didn't have to experience such a tragedy. 

You felt so exhausted. Both physically and emotionally you were beaten to a pulp. What was your family supposed to do without your father? What were you going to do without your father?

But you knew what had to be done. The moment you thought about that question you'd already known the answer. You had to provide now. You'd take care of your mom and Delilah. You had the ability to. You were going to Coruscant so surely you'd find something there that paid well enough for you to continually send credits to your mother and sister.

You let go of Rex and he looked at you, a sad smile was on his face as he wiped your tears away. "Rex?" You asked softly as you placed your hand gently on his arm. "Yes?" He asked and you looked at him. "When I go to Coruscant, will there be any way for me to send money to my family?" You asked and he blinked for a moment as if he were in thought. "I'm sure you can darling. Even if not, I'll personally see to it that you can." He said as he brushed a strand of loose hair behind your ear. You hugged him again. This time it was much brisker and lesser in tears.

"Can I go see my mother now?"

When you arrived at the medical station you saw your mother with her head in her hands. She'd clearly already been treated and other than the emotions she had been feeling at that moment, she was healthy.

"Mom." You called out and she looked up immediately. Her anguished face flashed to relief for a split second as she saw you. She hugged you tightly, just as you did her. "I'm so sorry." You apologized and she shook her head. "There was nothing you could have done. Those damn Separatists." She cursed quietly.

"You listen to me," She began as she pulled away from the hug. She pressed both her hands on the sides of your face. "As soon as this invasion is over, you leave here. You go to one of the core worlds and you forget this planet." She said as she smoothed your hair over.

"Mom, I'm going to Coruscant." You smiled sadly. She looked at you, clearly confused. "One of the Jedi there on the council requested I go to Coruscant as soon as possible. Mom I'm going to take care of you and Delilah, and I'll send you lots of money." You said trying to cheer her up. "Will you take Delilah with you?" She asked and you furrowed your eyebrows. "Mom I'll take both of you-" You said but she shook her head. "You take Delilah with you. I won't go. My life is here." She said and you opened your mouth to say something but you were interrupted.

"Y/N, we're leaving now. It is your choice to stay or to come with us to the city. The full force attack has been launched and we're being sent to the center." Rex informed you. You turned back to your mother. "I'm going to come back here again. Once this is over I'm coming back for you." You whispered as you left the comfort of your mother's arms.

You would keep that promise and you knew it.

You hopped in a LAAT with Rex, it rose into the air and you nearly fell over at its sudden speed. Rex kept you steady before putting his helmet back on, he didn't even have to hold on to the rails above because of how often he stood in a LAAT. "You alright?" He asked softly, loud enough for you to hear, but quiet enough to not be heard by the other clones.

"I'm okay. And after this, it'll be better." You said sure of yourself. "Don't do anything drastic. Stick to the plan, alright?" He reminded you and you nodded.

Once the LAAT landed, all of the clones were immediately firing off their blasters and ducking for cover as your mode of transport left.

"Get into the capital building and capture the Vice Roy." Rex ordered his men. "Rex!" You both heard a shout and turned to see another clone but decorated with yellow accents waving at all of you. "Cody!" Rex called out as he waved him over. Cody briskly ran over to your small group that was huddled behind a building. "Do we have confirmation that the Vice Roy is in there?" He asked and Rex nodded. "I received orders from General Windu moments ago." He confirmed.

"Ah blast, we got a Sith chick and the Vice Roy." Cody growled as he peeked out from behind the corner of the building just to nearly be shot.

"Alright then, I've got an idea." Cody muttered.

Invasion {Captain Rex x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now