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Dusk came quicker than you would have liked. You liked socializing with the 501st. Specifically Rex, but so did everyone.

Rex insisted on taking the first watch for the night. You told him you'd at least take the second half, to which he reluctantly agreed.

But you couldn't sleep. Delilah wasn't sleeping in your tent, as she decided to have "sleepover camping" with two of her friends. So you had to share a tent with Harper.

Surprisingly, and unfortunately, she snored loud. You were even more surprised that you hadn't heard it the night before. The girl was just overall someone loud.

You decided to quietly get up and leave your tent, with a pair of fresh clothing in hand. It had been a while since you'd had a shower- or bath. You decided you'd go to the lake. Unlike most planets, the lake stayed a fairly warm temperature throughout all parts of the day, as the volcano heated cones below would push warm water up forcefully.

So, you took a walk down to the lake, which wasn't too far from the camp, but far enough to have some privacy. Especially since Rex on look-out was on the complete opposite side from the lake, being on the other side of camp.

You undressed behind some tall bushes and set your dirty clothes close to the newer ones. You set a robe/jacket thing down closer to the lake. You stepped in, the lake immediately warming your toes.

You kept walking in and felt a breath of relief as the lake warmed you, giving you slight goosebumps.

"You're supposed to be sleeping." You heard from behind you and you gasped. You sunk a little deeper into the water, it being neck level as you covered yourself with your arms. You slowly spun around in the water to see Rex leaning against a nearby tree. You bit the inside of your cheek for a moment before replying, "You're supposed to be on guard duty." You said and he shrugged. "I have two of my men covering the last little bit of my shift and your shift. You know, if you were a clone trooper, you'd be in big trouble." He said and you shrugged. "Good thing I'm not." You chuckled.

"You really should be careful. You never know if those droids will find this outpost and make a quiet ambush." Rex said and you shook your head. "I understand, I'm sorry Captain." You said, looking down at the ripples in the water you were creating.

"Call me Rex. Just Rex is fine." He said, you looked up to see him kick a few small pebbles as he looked down. You smiled, "Y/N." You replied and he tilted his head slightly upwards, the glimmer of the two moons reflected off of his black visor.

There was a quiet moment of silence, where you were both just watching each other. But Rex pushed himself off the tree. "Sleep well, Y/N." He said before turning around. "You too, Rex." You replied, a small smile spreading on your lips.

*   *   *

Somehow, you were able to sleep for some time through Harper's snoring. Maybe it was just from exhaustion. But you did have a strange dream, involving Rex.

You shook your head, and after getting up and brushing your hair, you'd forgotten about it. You left your tent, Harper still sleeping. But some kids were already up, along with some of the teenagers.

You saw the clones with their helmets off and eating breakfast. Delilah ran up to you. "Y/N! Look, I caught a frog!" Your younger sister said, after running up to you. You gasped, "Wow Delilah! Where'd you find him?" You asked as you knelt down to her level. "Down at the bank by the lake! I named him Garbo because he smells like garbage!" She said and you laughed. "Poor Garbo! It's not his fault." You said and she shrugged before running off with her friends.

You felt bad for Delilah. She wasn't going to be able to see either of your parents for who knows how long. But at least she was distracted by the wonders of the world.

"Your sister?" You heard a familiar, modulated voice. You turned around to the blue and white armored man. You smiled and nodded. "Her name is Delilah." You said and the slight tilt of his head showed you he'd paid attention.

"Anything recent going on? Movement? New structures?" You questioned but Rex shook his head. "It only seems like they're containing the people of the villages. Nothing new. But we may have located the Separatist leading the attack." Rex said and you raised your eyebrows. "We don't have enough resources... Well, fighters, to combat the droid army that is protecting him." He said and you sighed. "He's at the capital?" You wondered, but to your surprise, Rex shook his head.

"You'd guess that's where he'd be. But perhaps it's a diversion. He's placed in your village." Rex said and you bit the inside of your cheek. Of course, your village was going to be the most difficult to reclaim.

Then the most auspicious idea popped into your head.

"What if you train us? I mean, we're strong, we've done back-breaking labor our whole lives." You said, Rex stood idly, with his arms folded for a long moment. "I don't think that's a good idea," Rex said and your shoulders sagged loosely. "Captain, with all due respect, I think you underestimate us a little." You said, raising an eyebrow.

Rex unfolded his arms. "I'm not about to show you the horrors of war. Those people will die, your friends, those teenagers from your village will get killed. I can't have that on my conscious. You wouldn't understand how difficult it is to see the ones you've known your whole life, die by your side." He said. You were a little shocked but your determination didn't stop you.

"I will do anything to take back my village from those scraps of metal." You said.  As Rex was about to say something, you heard some voices behind you. It was some of your neighbors. "We're willing to do whatever it takes." You heard one kid, 15 years old, say. A few more her age, and a little younger or older agreed.

You heard an audible sigh come from Rex. "Fine. We start practice at 14:00 sharp."

Invasion {Captain Rex x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now