01 The First Day

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                   Year 6 The First Day

It was Lizzie's first day of her 6th year she was so excited she was finally getting away from her parents what a dream

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It was Lizzie's first day of her 6th year she was so excited she was finally getting away from her parents what a dream. This had been on Lizzie's mind all summer. She had to spend countless hours at fancy parties full of pure-blood rich wizards with fancy dresses and suits. She was making her way into platform 9 3/4 after a exhausting summer. Her walk even had a skip to it she was so excited.

"Bye mother bye Father!" She called. "Come on Landon you'll be late" Lizzie said while grabbing her older brothers arm and pulling him away from their parents.

"Let go!"

"No can do Landon" Lizzie said fighting to keep a grip on his arm.

"Shouldn't you be finding your friends or something and not bothering me?" Landon said finally pulling away.

"We just got here and you're already pushing me away?" Lizzie glared.

"Yup bye" Landon said as he walked off.

"What a git" the girl muttered under her breath.

She then spotted a head of bright red hair and knew immediately who it was.

"Lily Evans" The girl said walking up to the ginger.

"LIZZIE!" Lily screamed and gave her a huge hug.

"Oh i've missed you so much lil"

"Me too we've got to find Mar and Al and tell each other all about our summer!"

"Yeah...summer" Lizzie looked down and frowned but then quickly looked up and shot a smile at Lily as she said goodbye to her parents and the two were off to find the rest of their gang.

The two girls were now on the train looking through many compartments for the blonde and chocolate haired girls.

"Marlene?" Lizzie questioned staring at a girl who was now a bit taller and had longer blonde hair then the year before the girls face had matured a lot.

"Liz!" she brought the brunette into a hug.

"Have you seen Alice yet?" Lily asked Marlene.

"No...Lily!" Marlene then noticed the girl that had just asked her a question standing there and brought her into a hug.

The three girls headed into a empty compartment which happened to be near the compartment that the marauders sat in every single year everyone knew not to sit there it was like there was an imaginary sign on the door saying "KEEP OUT." Alice eventually walked into the compartment as the others heard the whistle signaling the train would be leaving soon.

"Alice your finally here!" Lizzie screamed while jumping out of her seat to hug the girl. Then the other two girls joined in on the hug.


The train ride was going as normal until they heard a loud bang in the compartment nearest them. All three of the girls stuck their heads out of the compartment to see four slytherins running out of the compartment next to them screaming as loud as they could.

"THERES A FIRE!" a tall black haired girl screamed while running.

"A FIRE WHERE?" Marlene said.

"IN THERE!" a different girl with blonde hair said pointing at the now empty compartment.
Then Lizzie could see four boys poking their heads out of the compartment next to the compartment that was said to be on fire laughing harder then ever.

Lizzie looked at lily. "Lily it's them look" she whispered while pointing to the boys.

"Of course it is" Lily said while rolling her eyes she despised the marauders especially James Potter. Well at least that's what everyone thought. "It's ok guys i'm a prefect let me handle it" Lily said reassuringly to the four Slytherin's.

"I'm Lily Evans and i'm prefect" Siruis joked to the boys. They all broke into a deeper laughter.

Lily now was walking into the compartment to see a smoke bomb on the floor.
"Of course" she scoffed. "So which one of you was it?" Lily said walking out looking at the four boys. "Or was it a team thing?"

The boys gave each other a look. "Wasn't us. Why do you always blame us Evans?" Sirius said now serious.

"Because you always are causing mischief" Lily said pointing a finger at his chest. "I'm done playing your games just tell me who did it and we'll figure out your punishment" Lily glared.

"Hey you can't decide our punishment only a professor can!" Peter said.

"Your right i can't but i can decide which professor punishes you"

"Ok,ok who's it gonna be today Evans?" James said.

"Hmmm i'm thinking...Slughorn"

"HA! Slughorn what's he gonna do?" Sirius scoffed.

"He will probably force you to clean the dungeons"

"Yea "force"" James said while air quoting the word force with his fingers.

"You all just act like that to get under my skin but it isn't going to work anymore" Lily said.

"Lily let's just go they aren't worth it you can deal with it when we get to the school ok?" Lizzie said to Lily.

"Fine but don't think your getting out of this" Lily said while glaring at them.

"She's in love with me i just know it" James said smiling triumphantly.

"Yea alright Prongs" Siruis said with a laugh following.

James rolled his eyes "You will see, you will all see!" he said sticking a finger in the air.

Remus patted him on the back "If you say so James"


Hope you all enjoyed! If you have any suggestions pls do feel free to comment! <3

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