16 Idiots

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Year 6 Idiots

"Ok so you start with a simple arm movement" Lily said waving her arm in a motion to make a triangle shape

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"Ok so you start with a simple arm movement" Lily said waving her arm in a motion to make a triangle shape.

Remus copied.

"Hello" Lizzie said walking in the room.

"Hey" Remus said

"Oh didn't know your teaching started to today Lily i can go" Lizzie said picking her bag up again.

"No! I mean no it's ok" Remus said

"Ok we'll get back to whatever you were doing" Lizzie said

"Ok now do it like this" Lily said doing the same motion then putting force on the wand as sparks flew out the end of it.

"Wait how do i say it again?" Remus asked.

"Oppugno" Lily said

Remus now did the same motion and shouted toward a bunch of books "OPPUGNO" books now came hurdling through the air.

"DUCK" Remus yelled. Lizzie didn't hear it and Remus had to pull her sleeve to get her to duck. They all were ducking now as the books hit the wall with a loud thud.

"Why did you even need to learn this?" Lily asked.

"Dunno James told me to teach him and i told him ok even though i'm not going to" Remus said that last part quickly. Lily looked like she was going to slap him for a minute there.

"Lily do you have that book i let you borrow for transfiguration last week i promised Amos i'd help him" Lizzie said walking over to Lily's bed hanging onto the poles.

"Yea give me a second to find it though" She said starting to throw things out of the way.

"Remus were done if you were waiting for my approval to leave" Lily said though it was barley audible from under her bed.

"I thought we were going to the Libray" Remus said back.

"Oh ye- OWW!" Lily said bumping her head on the way up.

"Are you ok?" Lizzie asked.

"Yea i'm alright here's your book" Lily said dropping the heavy book into Lizzies hands.

Lizzie almost fell to the ground. Lily didn't notice and kept walking out of the dorm with Remus didn't seem to notice either.

Lizzie now picked of her bag with a loud huff and started to walk toward the library where she was to meet Amos. He told her he was coming alone but as she spotted him he was sitting around a few other tall hufflepuffs.

"Stevenson!" Amos called out getting up from his seat to greet her.

"Diggory!" she said in a half sarcastic half annoyed voice.

Amos put his arm around the girls shoulders.

"I thought i was helping you alone" Lizzie said narrowing her eyes at him slugging his arm off of her.

"Did you want it to be alone" he said smirking.

"Just thought it would be easier if it were quieter" Lizzie said looking at the 3 other boys in bright yellow robes.

"Ok well we can do it alone i just gotta be back here by 2" Amos said still smirking.

"Um alright"

They were now both sitting down on a couch.

"So what do you want to start with?" Lizzie asked

"Uh i don't know thats why i'm asking for help"

"Ok then we can start here" Lizzie said pointing at a incantation.

After a couple of minutes of Lizzie hissing at Amos because he couldn't seem to get anything right Lily and Remus walked in talking in a low whisper. They had sat across the room from Lizzie and Amos.

"No! That's not right!" Lizzie scolded again "It's like this!" she said showing him the movement again.

"Look Amos if you can't get at least one thing right Professer Mcgonagall is gonna put you in extra classes and take you out off of the quidditch team i don't think you want that so please just listen" Lizzie now let out a deep breath she wasn't aware she was holding.

Remus and Lily were both now looking up at the pair with furrowed brows.

"Ok maybe your friends can help are they smart?"  Lizzie said with a questioning face

"Er—i guess"

"Ugh this is no use!" Lizzie said wailing her arms around in frustration.

"I'll tell Professor Mcgonagall to let us try again another day i can't do this anymore" Lizzie said standing up and throwing her bag onto her shoulder and storming out of the library.


"Evans!" James called out as Lizzie and Lily were walking to dinner.

"Ugh i can't deal with him today" Lily said huffing.

"Evans wait up!" James said now jogging up to the two girls.

"Save it i don't want to hear whatever you've got to say and No! i will not go on a date with you" Lily said turning around harshly and grabbing Lizzies arm to drag her away.

"Boys are idiots i tell you Idiots!" Lily said very loudly on purpose for James to hear.

"We're not idiots!" James called out.

Dinner went exceptionally well. Well except for the constant remarks from Lily about how stupid boys can be and the constant cry of James whining that Lily hated him.

"You two are mental honestly!" Siruis said

"Just kiss already!" Marlene said

These two comments shut Lily up for the rest of the night and made James' mood grow happier.


i hope you enjoyed! Pls feel free to leave any suggestions! <3

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