37 Amortentia

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Year 6 Amortentia

   "Siruis!" Lizzie shrieked as she pulled away from Remus

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   "Siruis!" Lizzie shrieked as she pulled away from Remus. Remus rolled his eyes

"What do you need Padfoot?" Remus asked.

"I needed my potions book" Siruis said picking his book up and putting it under his arm. "Have fun love birds!" Siruis called out as he left.

"Sorry about him" Remus said with annoyance.

"It's ok" Lizzie said

"So...would you like to continue what we were doing?" Remus asked.

Lizzie let out a laugh. "Yes" she said nodding.


It was now lunch time as the group of Gryffindors were gathered in the great hall.

"Exams are soon are you guys ready?" Lily asked.

"Ugh don't even remind me" Lizzie said.

"Oh come on i heard that weren't too bad"

"The N.W.E.T.S are one of the hardest what do you mean!" Marlene yelled.

"I'm sure you will all do fine" Remus said.

"Even me Moony" Siruis asked batting his eyelashes leaning his elbows on the table.

"Of course Pads" Remus said grabbing Siruis' face.

"Look Lizzie Pads is stealing your boyfriend" James said.

"Hey! I had him first" Siruis argued.

"Well guess i'm single now, Mar?" Lizzie said letting go of Remus' arm and turning to Marlene.

"Hmm would it be Marlene Stevenson or Lizzie McKinnon?" Marlene said.

"I like Lizzie McKinnon it fits well" Lizzie said.

"Ok Siruis we're over" Remus said "Lizzie will you take me back" he said holding out his hand.

"Hmm i do-"

"Moony! No! Please i will do better!" Siruis yelled in a fake whining voice.

"Anyway as i was saying i will have to think about it" Lizzie said playfully.

Remus let out a sigh "I understand"

"Ok i will take you back now" she said grabbing his hand again.

"Yay!" "No!" Remus and Siruis said at the same time.

Then everyone heard a low growl.

"Are you growling at me?" Lizzie asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Yes" Siruis said crossing his arms and lifting his chin up.

"Your such a drama queen Siruis" Lizzie said rolling her eyes.

Stevenson / Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now