23 Birthdays

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Year 6 Birthdays

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOONY!" Siruis screamed into a sleeping Remus' face

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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOONY!" Siruis screamed into a sleeping Remus' face. Remus sat up quickly bumping heads with the grey eyed boy. "Ouch" they said at the same time.

"Where's James and Pete?" Remus asked sitting up while rubbing his head.

"They went to get something from the great hall you know them always getting up early" Siruis said sitting down beside him.

"Alright should we join them isn't breakfast soon?" Remus asked

"Yea it's 6:40" Siruis said getting up

"Ok let me get dressed and we can go down" Remus said standing up and pulling out his trunk from under his bed. Remus wasn't exactly looking forward to his birthday. He hated all the attention. I know right surprising considering he's friends with James and Siruis.


"Hey Lil isn't it Lupins birthday today?" Lizzie asked while they were walking down to breakfast.

"Yea i'm giving him his present tonight" Lily said

"Oh alright i guess that's when i'll give him mine" Lizzie shrugged.

She had been invited to come up to his dorm later that night along with Lily, James, Siruis, Elise, Peter, Marlene, Alice, and Frank. When he asked her she was kind of surprised she knew they've been getting closer but she didn't think they were that close. He barley invited anyone to his party other then very close friends.

"Oh look there he is!" Lily said coming up behind Remus and sitting next to him "Happy Birthday Remus!" Lily said hugging him.

"Thanks Lily"

"I'll give you your present tonight alright?"

"Lily you know you didn't have to get me anything!" Remus complained

"Oh come off it you deserve something for your birthday Remus!"

Remus just gave her a look he hated getting gifts from people he didn't want anyone spending anything on him he honestly didn't think he deserved it.

"Happy Birthday" Lizzie said to Remus smiling

"Thanks Lizzie!" Remus said giving her his warm smile.

"Happy Birthday Remus!" Marlene yelled pushing past everyone that was in front of him including Lizzie. She then gave him a huge hug.

"Thanks Marlene" Remus said hugging her back.

"Happy birthday!" Alice said


"So...What are you doing today?" Marlene asked

"I don't know probably just sitting around like normal" Remus shrugged he normally just did like normal his birthday wasn't something huge for him.

"What! No way am i letting you sit around on your birthday!" Marlene said pushing Lily aside and sitting beside him "Sorry Lily. Anyway Remus you are doing something fun!"

"What is your definition of fun exactly Mar?" Remus asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't know maybe a party and a real one not just a small gathering!" Marlene whined

"No." Remus said turning away from her and turning to his food "Siruis where is James and Pete? I thought you said they were here." Remus said facing Siruis.

He shrugged "Dunno"

"Happy Birthday Remus!" Elise said coming up to him and sitting next to him after kissing him on the cheek in a friendly way.

"Thanks Elise" he said smiling at her.

"Ok i'll plan the party you invite the guest!" Marlene said smiling brightly

"Marlene i'm not having a party!" Remus groaned

"Oh come on please!" Marlene said with puppy dog eyes

"I said no i'm sorry Marlene i just don't want a lot of people" Remus said.

"Marls maybe he's right maybe a big party just isn't his thing" Lizzie said looking at Remus smiling Remus smiled back

"But a big party would be so fun!"

"Marls not everyone likes the attention from people"

"What everyone loves a bit of attention!" Marlene argued

"That's not true i don't like attention" Lizzie argued back

"That's because your you and fine we don't have to have a big party" Marlene sighed putting her head in her hands.

Remus mouthed a thank you to Lizzie. She smiled and mouthed a your welcome.


"Happy Birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Remus! Happy birthday to you!" They all sang as Remus blew out his candles

"Thank you all for coming!" Remus said smiling the biggest smile Lizzie had ever seen him smile.

"Now open your presents!" Siruis said pushing a big messily wrapped gift that was shaped like a broom stick toward him.

"Woah! Siruis i- i don't even know what to say you shouldn't have really" Remus said with a stunned look. He had received the newest and best broom.

"Oh it was nothing" Siruis said while waving a hand.

"Ok my turn!" James said getting up and handing him a small parcel.

It was a quill but not just any quill "It's a never ending quill! But it's also not just that it also can be hidden with our secret words" James said winking indicating he was talking about the Marauders map.

"Wow thanks James!"

Everyone except for Marlene and Lizzie had given Remus his gift.

"I want to go last you know best for last!" Marlene said

"Ok then here!" Lizzie said giving him a big box. He opened it to reveal a huge box that reads Honeydukes and all around it was different products from Zonkos joke shop.

"Thank you Lizzie i was running low on chocolate and this will last me forever!" Remus said getting up to hug her.

As they pulled away she said "Of course"

"You know you didn't have to get-"

"Remus don't even complain it's your birthday of course i was getting you something i told you i would that day at Hogsmeade!" Remus just chuckled and sighed.

"Alright so let's get this party started!" Marlene yelled turning up the music Remus quickly walked over and turned it down a bit

"Not that loud" Marlene frowned.

"Fine" The rest of the night was amazing they all had a great time. For once James and Lily actually kind of got along.

I hope you all are enjoying my story!<3

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