36 Stormy

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Year 6 Stormy

  Lizzie woke up to a shirtless Remus laying beside her

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Lizzie woke up to a shirtless Remus laying beside her. Lizzie tried to unwrap Remus' arms from her waist but he wouldn't budge so she would have to sit there until he woke up. Their alarm eventually went off about an hour later. Thank Godric Remus gets up so early Lizzie thought to herself.

"Good morning Rem" Lizzie whispered.

"Good morning" he said back.

As soon as he sat up a shot of pain shot through his back. It was the day of the full moon.

"Are you alright?" Lizzie asked sitting up and putting a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Yea i'm fine" he said even though he really wasn't.

Lizzie now got up and said her goodbyes and went over to the girls dorm to get ready for the day.


"Yes Lizzie?"

"Do you have my potions book"

"Oh yea i forgot i borrowed it over break" Lily grabbed Lizzies book from her bookbag handing it to her. "Here you go"

"Thanks" Just then the marauders walked in the cafeteria Remus looked horrible. His eye bags were about ten times worse than normal and his shoulders hung low as he walked at a slow pace.

"Are you feeling alright Remus you look absolutely horrible" Lily said putting a hand to his forehead.

"I'm fine Lily just tired"

"Are you sure? I think you need to go to Madam Pom-"

"I said i'm fine!" he snapped.

"Oh- I'm sorry" Lily said sitting back down.

Remus just rolled his eyes eating his toast.

"She was just trying to help mate" James said.

"I don't need help" Remus growled

Lizzie didn't even dare to talk to Remus she didn't want to be snapped at by him.

By transfiguration Remus had gone to the hospital wing.

"Hey are you still coming tonight, Stormy?" Siruis whispered to Lizzie.

"Yeah of course i am"

"Ok we leave the common room by 10"

"Got it" she said nodding.

Stormy was the nickname that was chosen by the boys specifically Siruis for Lizzies animagus form. It was now lunch time so the boys and Lizzie decided to go check on Remus.

"Hey Moony how are you doing?" James asked.

"Amazing" he said in a sarcastic tone.

"Well you'll feel even better tonight" Remus rolled his eyes.

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