41 Stress

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Year 6 Stress

  Exams would be starting soon for all Hogwarts students so all the Professors have been giving extra work and more homework than the kids could do

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  Exams would be starting soon for all Hogwarts students so all the Professors have been giving extra work and more homework than the kids could do. Lizzie felt like she was going insane.

"Lizzie? Hello earth to Lizzie" Marlene said waving a hand in front of Lizzies face.

"Lizzie!" Lily shouted.

"I'm up!"

"We're at lunch" said Lily.

"Are you feeling alright?" Marlene said reaching out to feel Lizzies forehead.

"I'm fine" said Lizzie slapping Marlenes hand away.

"You've been doing this ever since any teacher had mentioned exams" Lily said.

"We can't all be confident that we'll ace the test Lily" said Lizzie i'm a harsher tone then she intended.

"Hey don't get mad at me because i study!" Lily snapped back.

"I'm sorry i'm just stressed" Lizzie said.

"Eat Lizzie. You haven't ate in days" said Alice pushing Lizzies plate closer to the girl.

"I can't"

"Please for me"

"I think i need to lie down for the rest of the day"

"All we have left for the day is Care of Magical Creatures you love that class!" Alice said.

"Your right" said Lizzie.

"Come on let's go before we're late" said Lily.


"Well how about it Mar?" said Siruis.

"I'm down for anything" said Marlene.

"What are we down for?" asked Remus sitting down on the couch.

"I was thinking we throw a party to get our minds off exams" Siruis said throwing his arm around Elises shoulders as she scooted closer to him.

"Eh i don't know guys"

"Oh come on Moony just one party?"

"I'm not saying don't do it but i'm not saying i'm coming" said Remus.

"Please Remus!" Elise begged.

"Like i said i don't know i may or may not come"

Just then Lizzie walked in the common room she looked exhausted.

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