39 Planning

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Year 6 Planning

  "Good morning love" Remus said kissing Lizzies forehead as he woke up

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  "Good morning love" Remus said kissing Lizzies forehead as he woke up.

"Good morning Rem" she said back.

"Where are the boys?" Remus asked sitting up.

"Siruis and James are practicing Quidditch and i'm not sure where Peter went he just said he was going for a walk."

"Oh well it's already almost time for lunch so do you want to go for a walk before lunch starts?" Remus asked pulling a shirt on.

"Sure why not let me change and get ready first" Lizzie said getting up.

"Ok i'll be right back i needed to ask Lily a question"

"Ok bye!"

Lizzie then got up realizing she had worn all the clothes she brought with her to the boys dorm and she didn't feel like going to her dorm to get more clothes so she just took one of Remus' t-shirts and wore it with a pair of black ripped trousers. Lizzie was now sitting on the counter of the marauders shared bathroom doing her makeup.

"I like your shirt" Remus said walking back in and standing at the door frame of his bathroom.

"Thanks it's exclusively from your closet also those Doc Martens look really good on you, you should wear them more often" Lizzie said.

"You know i like my clothes on you, they look much better on you than me" Remus said walking up to Lizzie and standing in front of her.

"I could disagree" Lizzie said wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him on the lips.

"Well hello there lovebirds" Siruis said coming out of nowhere making Remus sigh in frustration of Siruis interrupting them for about the 100th time. "Oh i'm sorry was i interrupting something?" he asked.

"Hello Siruis" Remus said walking to Siruis and pushing him out of the bathroom then closing the door behind him leaving Lizzie to do her makeup. When they walked out Remus saw Elise sitting on Sirius' bed.

"So i see your morning is going well" Siruis joked.

"Hey El. Where's James?" Remus asked sitting down on a chair in their dorm.

"He said he wanted to talk to Lily so we left him"

"Nice wanna go find him and see him get embarrassed?" Remus asked with a grin.

"Is that even a question! C'mon El!" Siruis exclaimed.

"Guys!" Elise groaned following them.

Remus ran over to the bathroom door and explained what's going on to Lizzie as she hopped down grabbing Remus' hand and running out with him.

"Well hello there my Lily-flower" James said walking up to Lily and her Hufflepuff friend Avery.

"What do you need Potter?" she asked with a sigh.

"Well there's a hogsmeade trip very soon and i was just won-"
"What? Could you repeat that i don't think i hea-"
"No. Now go away"
"C'mon please"
"Don't test me today" Lily said with a harsh glare. James just stared at her.
"Please Li-"
"I said no!" she snapped. "I said no and i will always say no. So please just leave me alone James!" James face quickly turned into a frown which he quickly tried to hide.
"Maybe next time then" he said picking up his broom and walking away. As he turned away from the girl his face dropped to a frown again.

"Should we like talk to him?" Siruis asked.

"Yes!" Remus said slapping the back of Siruis' head.

"Ow! What wa-" Siruis shouted getting cut off by Elises hand against his mouth.

"Shut it Siruis!" Lizzie whisper yelled.

After the three watched Lily and Avery leave Lizzie got up and walked over to where James sat.

"Hey are you ok?" Lizzie asked putting a hand on his shoulder.

"What? Oh yea,yea i'm fine" James said wiping a tear from his eye.

"James are you sure you know we're all here for you" Remus said sitting beside him.

"Yeah i promise i'm ok just feeling a bit more emotional today i guess" he said trying to lighten the mood by laughing but no else laughed. "Oh c'mon guys that was funny" James said still no ones emotion changed so his smile faltered as he looked down. "It's just so hard loving someone even though you know they don't and won't ever love you back" James said. As Sirius heard that he frowned a little as he thought of Elise but shook it off when he realized his best friend needed him right now.

"James i promise you that no matter what you think Lily doesn't hate you" Lizzie said reassuringly.

"She sure seems like she does. Why aren't i good enough for her?" James asked.

"Oh stop it Prongs! Your James Fuckin Potter! You are more than good enough and if Lily can't see that than she's not the one for you!" Siruis yelled.

"Your also a great Quidditch player, your handsome, and your kind as can be" Elise said giving him a warm smilie.

"Thanks guys" James said.

"No problem"
They all said back.


Remus was sitting in the common room on a chair with Lizzie on his lap and they were both reading a book when Elise, Siruis, James,and Peter came down the stairs.

"Next weekend we should play a prank on Slytherin we just need Moony—Where is Moony anyway?" James asked.

"James he's right there" Elise said pointing to Remus and Lizzie.

"Oi Moony!" he said walking over to the pair and when he didn't look up James started waving a hand in his face. "Hello earth to Remus"

"What!" Remus said looking up.

"We need you to come up with a prank on Slytherin"

"Ok what do you think we should do" Remus asked.

"I don't know anything you think we should do"

"Well you guys have to give me starters"

"Uhm ok how about changing their hair to Red and Gold" Siruis suggested.

"I like that but we should do more" Remus said magicing a notebook and a pencil into his hand and writing ideas down.

"Is Lizzie listening?" Peter asked looking at Lizzie who looked like she wasn't paying attention.

"Probably not anyways—Oh! I know what we can do we can change their robes too!" Remus practically shouted making Lizzie look up.

"What is going on?" she asked.

"Oh sorry we're coming up with a prank on Slytherin" Remus said.

"Sounds like fun what are you gonna do?" Lizzie asked.

"We were thinking about changing their robes to Gryffindor colors and his hair to Gryffindor colors" Remus said.

"Cool when are you doing it?" Lizzie asked.

"Next weekend" Elise said back.

The group then sat there talking about when and how they were going to do the prank. Lizzie decided she would sit out on this one considering she's been going on every other adventure with them recently and she felt that Remus deserved to do stuff with his best friends without her.


I hope you all enjoyed! <3

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