45 The End of the Year Party

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Year 6 The End of the Year Party

  "Wow there's a lot of people here and it's only 10:50" said Lizzie

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"Wow there's a lot of people here and it's only 10:50" said Lizzie.

"The party started an hour ago Liz that's why" said Lily. "And there's my date" she said walking away.

"Oh yeah my bad" said Lizzie.

"And there's Frank" said Alice.

"Hello girls you all look great" said Frank.

There were thanks you from the girls as the two walked away.

"Hello Ladies looking good" said Siruis walking over too Marlene and Lizzie.

"Thanks Black not to bad yourself" said Marlene.

"What a charmer" said Siruis.

"As always" Marlene said winking. "There's Dorcas I better get going"

"Where's the rest of the guys and Elise?" Lizzie asked.

Siruis pointed to Remus and James drinking firewhiskey and Peter watching.

"Elise isn't here yet said she would come by later" Sirius said as Lizzie walked off.

"Hmm already drinking?" Lizzie said walking up to Remus.

"It was just one drink" he said putting his glass down.

"Ugh your breaths reeks"

"Thanks love"


"You alright there James?" asked Siruis watching James sulk.

James just pointed at Lily and her date dancing.

"Oh sorry mate" Siruis said patting him on the back.

"She doesn't even like him she told me" said Lizzie trying to make James feel better.

"It doesn't matter anyway" he said.

"It's obviously does mate you look a mess" said Remus.

"Thanks Remus" said James sarcastically.

"I'm just being honest" he said.

"Why does it hurt so much" james said.

"What?" said Siruis.

"Loving someone who doesn't love you back" James said taking a sip of his drink.

"Don't say that James you never know how she actually feels just what she says she feels" said Lizzie.

"If she liked me she would say yes to me wouldn't she?" he asked.

"Not necessarily" she said.

"Girls are too complicated" sighed James.

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