35 An idiot in Love

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Year 6 An idiot in Love

   They were finally going back to school

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  They were finally going back to school. Lizzie was excited but also not excited. She and the marauders had all made it to Kings Cross Station.

"Goodbye James" Euphemia said hugging her son.

"Goodbye boys, Elise, and Lizzie have a good rest of the term!" she said hugging them all now.

"Goodbye kids!" Fleamont yelled after them.

"Bye guys i'll see you later" Lizzie said walking away to find the three girls she's calls her best friends.

In the sea of people she spotted two girls one with red hair and one with blonde.

"Marlene!" Lizzie said jumping on the girls back.

"Liz!" Lizzie had now gotten down to hug Lily.

"Where's Al?"

"Don't know yet" Marlene answered.

"So how was the rest of break?" Lily asked.

"So much fun" Lizzie said grinning. "You'll never guess what happened on christmas" Lizzie said happily.

"What?" Lily asked as she stepped onto the train.

"I'll tell you in the compartment"

"Ok maybe we will find Alice there" and they did find Alice there sitting with Frank Longbottom.

"Hello Frank, how was your break?" Lizzie asked greeting him.

"Actually quite fun, you?"


"Bye Alice" Frank said kissing the brunette on the cheek.

"Ahhh young love" Marlene said as Frank walked out.

"Shut up" Alice said.

"Oh come on i'm just playing around Al" Marlene said.

"Evans there you are!" said a voice from behind Lily.

"Potter" Lily said rolling her eyes and turning around to face the boy with spectacles.

"How are you my Lily-flower?"

"Don't call me that"

"I am hurt Lily-flower" James said putting a hand over his heart as if he was hurt by the girls comment.

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