26 Aphrodite

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Year 6 Aphrodite

"Hey do any of you know where Aphrodite is? Did one of you use her?" Lizzie asked walking into the common room to find her 3 best friends

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"Hey do any of you know where Aphrodite is? Did one of you use her?" Lizzie asked walking into the common room to find her 3 best friends.

"I didn't use her i would've asked" Marlene said putting her arms up in defense.

"Same here" Lily said and Alice nodded.

"Are you sure? It's fine if you did i just can't find her anywhere"

"I'm sure" Alice said and the others nodded.

"Hello Ladies" Sirius said walking in the portrait hole with the other 4 following behind. They all greeted them with heys.

"Why do you look so worried?" Remus asked sitting next to Lizzie.

"I can't find my owl"

"Oh have you checked everywhere?"

"Yes ive checked a thousand times"

"Alright um has anyone asked about her recently?"

"Umm....yes actually my brother" Lizzie then looked at Remus with wide eyes, "Your a genius Lupin!" Lizzie squealed kissing his cheek then jumping up off the couch. "Let's go girls"

Remus was sitting there touching his cheek with wide eyes and a huge smile.

"You alright there mate?" James asked

"What? Oh yea"

"Alright then"


"Landon!" Lizzie said banging on the Slytherin boys dorm door. "Open the door!" As she was about to knock again the door swung open to a tall black haired boy with curly hair.

"Hello?" the boy said.

"Oh um hi do you know where Landon Stevenson is?"

"He just left said something about having to get a letter he left in a hurry"

"Thank you...Er...."


"Sirius' brother?" Marlene said quickly.

"Uh yea" Regulus said backing away from Marlenes face.

"It's nice to meet you Regulus" Lizzie said sticking her hand out.

Stevenson / Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now