42 Exams

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Year 6 Exams

  Exams were starting today

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  Exams were starting today. Lizzie was at breakfast staring at her Potions book reciting every word.

"Lizzie" Marlene said leaning closer to her.

"No" Lizzie said.

"But I didn't even say anything—"


The marauders and Elise now walked in.

"Good morning Liz" Remus said kissing her hair.

"Mhm" she hummed back.

"She's in study mode, you know like she's been everyday for the past week" said Marlene.

"Oh" he said.


Lizzie had just finished her Potions exam she thought she did pretty well. She walked out with a bit of a skip and a huge grin.

"So how do you think you did?" Remus asked coming up from behind her and putting a arm around her shoulder.

"I think i did well how about you?" she asked.

"That's good. I think i could've done better but i don't think i did bad either" he said. She nodded.

"Lupin" they heard a low voice say from behind them as they were walking. Remus whipped around to see Severus standing there with a scowl.

"What do you want Snivellus" Remus said.

"Slughorn told me to pass the invitations out for the next slug club party. Here" Snape said slamming the envelope in Remus' chest. Remus didn't even flinch the full moon was soon so his strength was growing.

Remus decided not to do anymore and just turned back around.

"The Full Moon is soon is it not? You'll be the real monster that you are" Snape said with a smirk.

Remus stopped in his tracks "What?" he said turning back around.

"Yeah I know about your little problem Moony"  he said.

"Wha- What problem are you talking about exactly?" Remus said.

"Your a werewolf correct?" he said.

"Are you mental Snape? What makes you think i'm a werewolf?" Remus asked.

"OI Snivellus why are you bothering Moony here?" Siruis said walking up with James, Elise, and Peter.

Stevenson / Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now