49 Flash Foward

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July 31st, 1981 Flash Forward

"Can you believe it Remus Harry is turning one today!"

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"Can you believe it Remus Harry is turning one today!"

"It's crazy to think how we were just in school and now we're having kids and getting married"

"The good days"

"Hey it's still the good days" Remus said holding Lizzies hand.

"It is? Voldemort's after us all Rem these are the worst times"

"It's going to be ok i promise"

"Pinky promise?"

"Pinky promise"

"I love you Stevenson"

"You mean Lupin?" she said with a grin.

"Oh yes Lupin" he said said grinning back at her.

"I love you too Lupin"

"Are you ok with seeing Sirius today?" asked Lizzie. "I know you two aren't exactly on speaking terms"

"Yeah i'll be fine"


"Oh Lils!"


"Where is he?" Lizzie asked eagerly.

"Follow me" Lily said.

"Harry!" yelled Lizzie hugging Harry. "Where's Peter?" asked Lizzie.

"Said he couldn't make it" said Lily.

"Poor thing he's probably scared to death to come out of his house" Lizzie said sadly.

"I kind of feel bad for him" said Lily.

"Me too you know what, Remus we should visit him after this"

"That's alright with me"


"Cake or presents first?" asked Lily.

"I say Cake!" said Elise happily.

"Ok let's head into the kitchen"

"It's so nice to be with you guys again even if it's just for a little bit" said Remus.

"I've missed this" Lily said smiling.

"Me too" Elise said.

"So how's adulthood going Moony?" asked James.

"Could be better" said Remus.

"Still can't find a job?"

"Nope" he sighed.

"Hey it'll be ok Rem we'll get through this" said Lizzie putting her hand on his shoulder. Remus gave her a weak smile in return.

Stevenson / Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now