02 The Arrival at Hogwarts

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Year 6 The Arrival at Hogwarts

          Year 6 The Arrival at Hogwarts

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  They finally made it to hogwarts. Lizzie was more then excited to see the school again. She missed it so much. They all made their way to the carriages. They got to the castle and sat down in the great hall for dinner.

"Are you all ready for tomorrow?" Alice asked.

"Of course i'm always ready" Lily said confidently.

"I can't say the same" Lizzie said frowning.

"Why? Your great at school!" Marlene said.

"I feel like this year i'm not gonna do well like usual" Lizzie said.

"You'll do fine i promise" Lily gave her a comforting smile.

"Thanks guys"

"Of course" Alice said in her dreamy voice.

Hello girls" Sirius said winking at Lily, Alice, Lizzie, and Marlene who were sat near them they all just rolled their eyes. "Missed you guys too" he said turning back to his friends and throwing a arm around Elises shoulders.

"Evans" James said winking.

"Potter" she spat.

"Leave the poor girl alone James" Elise said.

"Why is Elise friends with them again?" Lily asked and the rest shrugged.


As they were about to walk into the common room a familiar voice called out to Lily.

"Lily!" Severus Snape said now walking up to the group of girls.

"Severus hi! How was your summer" she asked while hugging him.

"It was ok boring as usual" he responded.

"Same here wasn't anything special" Lily smiled.

Then the marauders and Elise began walking up the stairs to the common room.

"Hey not to interrupt but James and his friends are coming" Lizzie informed the two.

"Well i'll see you around Lily nice seeing you" Severus gave her a smile.


The four boys and Elise were now walking up to them.

"Evans!" James Potter called out.

"Oh don't think i've forgotten about you lots little stunt you pulled on the train i was gonna to go the headmaster about it later"

"Clam down Evans i was just saying hi" James said walking away with his friends following behind.

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