22 Lupin

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Year 6 Lupin

"Good morning" said Lily to a tired looking Lizzie

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"Good morning" said Lily to a tired looking Lizzie. Lizzie had stayed up all night studying Charms so she wouldn't look stupid in front of Remus.

"Why do you look so tired?" Marlene asked. Lizzie glared at her.

"I was up till 4am studying" Lizzie growled

"What really?" Marlene asked completely clueless.

"Yes really how did you not notice? Oh yea you were asleep" Lizzies face dropped.

"Marlene how do you sleep so much?" Alice asked sitting down

"I don't know it's just a skill i guess" Marlene said shrugging

Lizzie scoffed "A skill? What kind of skill is sleeping"

"Ok drop the attitude Miss.Stevenson it's gonna be a good Friday for once" Marlene said putting her hands on her hips

"Alright then" Lizzie said looking away

"Hello Evans" James said sitting down in his regular spot. "Alright then ignore me like always" James said turning to his food

"Guys what are we doing today?" Peter asked sitting down beside James.

"I can't do anything for awhile i have something to do later" Remus said putting his book down

"Like what?" Sirius asked

"Just something, something important" Remus said

"Is our Moony going on a date?" James asked smiling

"Ooo Moonys got a girlfriend...or boyfriend" Elise said grinning.

"No" Remus said quickly

"Awww i was kinda hoping you'd say yes" James said frowning

Lizzie now got up cause she had remembered she forgot her books in her dorm.

"Where are you going?" Lily asked tugging on Lizzies robes. The boys were now looking at the girls.

"I left my books in the dorm i'm just going to get them" Lizzie answered "Oh ok" Lily said

"Oh! I think i borrowed your Potions book so it should be on my bed" Alice said smiling

"Alright thank you Al" Lizzie said leaving


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