21 Charms Help

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Year 6 Charms Help

Lizzie was sitting in the common room when a owl tapped at the window

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Lizzie was sitting in the common room when a owl tapped at the window. She got up to get it and read a note saying to go to Filtwicks classroom that day at 1 o'clock. Lizzie didn't really want to go it was a weekend her days off.

It was now time for her to go. She didn't know if to feel nervous or not. She hasn't been paying attention in most classes recently just thinking about who it would be. She was now standing at Flitwicks door she took a deep breath and knocked.

"Ah Miss.Stevenson you've made it how are you?" Flitwick said smiling. "They will be here soon they said they were gonna run a bit late" Flitwick said quickly noticing Lizzies expression.

"Oh no worries" Lizzie said walking in now. She had now been sitting and waiting for 20 minutes. Who could this person possibly be that their running 20 minutes late.

About 10 minutes later she heard a knock finally she thought. "That must be them" Filtwick said standing up.

"You've made it yes!"

"Sorry i was so late i got a bit caught up with something" a boy said still standing in the hallway. He sounds familiar Lizzie thought. She then got out of her seat and walked to the door. She then saw a tall boy with sandy blonde hair.

"Lupin?" Lizzie asked staring at the two by the door.

"Hey Lizzie what are you doing here?" Remus asked looking at her smiling.

"Mr.Lupin this is who you will be tutoring" Flitwick said

"Oh well good to know i actually know the person i'm tutoring this time" Remus said walking into the classroom.

"Ok your first session will be tomorrow at 4:00 after classes i suggest at the the library for quietness but do it wherever you please" Flitwick said smiling

"Yes sir thank you" Remus said

"You two are dismissed" Flitwick said

"Thank you sir" Lizzie said getting up and leaving.

"Lizzie i didn't know you were having a hard time in Charms you could've just asked me to help" Remus said catching up to her in the hallway

"Yea i don't know what happened this year i'm just having a hard time paying attention and it doesn't matter now does it" Lizzie said as she stopped walking and turned around to where she was now standing in front of Remus.

"So where do you want our first visit to be?" Remus said looking at her

"Umm anywhere is fine" Lizzie said playing with her bracelet that a friend named Sam gave her awhile back. She seems to always play with the bracelet when she's nervous.

"Ok we can just take Flitwicks suggestion to go to the Library after breakfast" Remus said smiling.

"Please don't tell anyone about this" Lizzie said looking embarrassed.

"I promise i won't" Remus said giving her that warm smile.

"Well i'll see you tomorrow then" As Lizzie was about to speak she could hear footsteps coming up to the pair.

"Remus!" a voice called out. Lizzie turned around to see James walking up to them.

"Yes James?" Remus said

"What are you two doing here?" he asked

"Talking about something i was just about to leave bye Lizzie see you tomorrow" Remus said smiling

"Bye Remus" Lizzie said


Lizzie had just finished a book that she's been reading and she was now on her way to the common room.

As she walked into the common room she heard a song playing and she saw Siruis and James on the table dancing and everyone else in the common room cheering them on. They were listening to Lizzies favorite muggle singer Queen.

"Remus! Peter! Elise! Dance with us!" Sirius said jumping down from the table. "Come on the routine! Oh come on Moony!" Sirius yelled over the music. Peter was now dancing with James while Sirius begged Remus. Eventually he gave in. "Fine"

Id like for you and i to go romancing
Say the word your wish is my command

As this lyrics went off the boys started to get into a line they were all grinning goofily.

"May i have this dance?" Sirius asked Elise she hesitated for a moment before nodding.

James now walked up to Lily she of course said no so he had to ask another girl. Peter got some girl to dance with him and Remus was now walking up to Lizzie. "May i have this dance" he said with an extended arm

"Sure why not" Lizzie said taking his hand.

Ooh, love, ooh, loverboy
What're doing tonight, hey, boy?
Write my letter
Feel much better
And use my fancy pattern on the telephone

All the now twirled the girls and dipped them. Lizzie giggled.

"Wow Lupin you are quite the dancer" she said as he brought her back up. He just chuckled. "Thanks Lizzie"

For the rest of the song everyone was dancing in the common room and singing at the top of their lungs. That was one of the best nights for Lizzie.

I hope you all enjoyed! Thank you for reading! <3

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