03 Meetings

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Year 6 Meetings

                           Year 6 Meetings

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The first week had flown by. It was already Friday it seemed like it was only Wednesday. Lizzie has had a good first week no problems yet but she did catch Remus staring at her multiple times in classes she didn't seem to think anything of it though.

"LIZZIE! GET-YOUR-ARSE-UP!" Lily said in between hitting Lizzie with a pillow.

"IM UP! I'm up" Lizzie said jolting up in bed.

Lizzie then looked over at her clock to see it read 5:30am "Ughhhh Lily! Why so early" she whined.

"Because you two need to wake up more early like me and Alice it's good for you" Lily stated looking at a grumpy Marlene who had a look in her eye that could kill and looking at a tired Lizzie.

"But we don't go to breakfast till 7:00! It's 5:30 in the morning!" Lizzie said in a angry tone.

"Studies show that get-" Lily was then cut off by a pillow hitting her in the face and a angry looking Marlene staring right into her eyes. Lizzie and Alice just stared at the two before they both busted out laughing.

"Never wake me up this early again Evans!" Marlene spit out angrily. She then dropped to her bed and fell instantly asleep.

"I- how does she do that" Lizzie said looking concerned.

"She- she just hit me with a pillow" Lily said with wide eyes. Lizzie's concerned look turned into a grin.


The day was going pretty good and so Lily and Lizzie decided to go to the library to start studying as they were both a bit of an over achiever.

"Lily do you think the classes are hard so far?" Lizzie asked

"Not really they are quite easy actually" Lizzie just nodded and went back to reading.

As the two girls were reading they both were so into the books they didn't even notice the sandy blonde haired boy standing in front of them.

"Hiya guys" Remus said.

"Oh hey Remus what's up?" Lily asked.

"Nothing just thought i'd say hi if that's alright" Remus said.

"Yea me and wait have you two ever met?" Lily said looking between the two.

"I don't think so" Remus said. The Lily tapped her shoulder as Lizzie wasn't listening this made Lizzie look up slowly.

"Wha- What?" Lizzie stuttered.

"Lizzie this is Remus Lupin, Remus this is Lizzie Stevenson" Lily said.

"Oh uh hi it's nice to meet you Lizzie" Remus said holding out a hand to shake Lizzie took it and smiled.


They were still holding hands as they heard a voice call out "MOONY!" Siruis yelled.

"SHHHHHH!" Scolded Irma Pince.

"Oops" Siruis said.

"Oh hey guys what's up?" Remus asked.

"We were coming to find you 'cause we were supposed to do the "thing" today after class remember?" James said air quoting thing with his fingers.

"Oh yea the "thing"" Remus said also air quoting thing.

Lily and Lizzie gave each other a look then looked back at the group.

"What's the "thing"?" Lizzie said air quoting thing like the two boys.

Remus and James looked at each other back at the girls.

"Secret things that only people like us can know about" James said.

"People like you?" Lily said rasing a eyebrow at the same time Lizzie did as well.

"Ok what are you two doing girl telepathy or something?" James questioned

The girls looked at each again with a is he stupid look.

"Girl telepathy? Potter you've been watching to many tv shows" Lizzie said rolling her eyes and grinning.

Remus and James were very confused on how talkative and sarcastic the normally quiet girl was being.

"Stop being idiots and let's go" the blonde haired Hufflepuff girl, Elise said tugging on Remus' sleeve. Lizzie and Elise knew each other but not very well. Lizzie always saw Elise hanging around the marauders though.

"Guys stop chit chatting we have to go. Now." Siruis said grabbing the three by there arms and dragging them out the library with Peter following behind.

"That was um what's the word?" Lizzie said rubbing her chin.

"Weird, odd, strange" Lily said smiling.

Lizzie let out a laugh.

"Come on let's go before Marlene starts to lecture us about how spending to much time at the library is bad" Lizzie said. Lily nodded her head and they both gathered up there things to leave.



Hope you all enjoyed! What do you think the boys are planning? I love Lizzie and Lily's relationship<3

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