15 The Bludger

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Year 6 The Bludger

Lizzie was sitting next to Lily in History of Magic when Remus nearly fell out of his chair after Siruis said a spell pointing his wand at him

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Lizzie was sitting next to Lily in History of Magic when Remus nearly fell out of his chair after Siruis said a spell pointing his wand at him.

Professor Binns looked as if he were smoking.


Siruis for the past few weeks had been cursing Remus almost everyday.


"ughhhh" Lily groaned

"Have fun Lily" Lizzie said getting up after packing her things.

"Hey" Remus whispered

"Hey" Lizzie smiled

The rest of class went as normal until they got the work.

Lizzie had on a confused look then Remus nudged her arm.

"Do you need help?" Remus whispered

"Yea..." Lizzie whispered

Remus helped Lizzie finish right on time.


"Marlene quit whining!" Lizzie yelled as she was having to drag the girl to quidditch practice

"You shouldn't have woke me up from my nap then!" Marlene screamed

"Whatever" Lizzie said leaving the blondes side

"ARGHH" Marlene let out as she fell to the ground

"OI MARLENE YOU ALRIGHT?" Siruis called out coming to help the girl up

"Yea i'm ok" Marlene said

Lizzie was trying to hold back a laugh.

"Yea go ahead laugh at me Lizzie" Marlene said to her best friend

"Ok" Lizzie said.

Marlene just rolled her eyes. "Can we get started already i want to go to sleep"

"That's not the team spirt Marlene!" James said

Practice went well except for the fact that Lizzie wasn't paying attention to the game and got hit in the head by a bludger that Siruis Black had sent hurdling.

Lizzie let out a groan when it hit her.

Lizzie was now falling to the ground.

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