20 Butterbeer

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Year 6 Butterbeer

"So how was Zonkos?" Lily asked sitting next to Lizzie

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"So how was Zonkos?" Lily asked sitting next to Lizzie.

"It was alright it would've been better if you came" Lizzie said with a grin.

"You'll never get me to go in there" Lily said glaring at Lizzie. Lily really did hate the shop.

"Ugh why not!" Lizzie said with a annoyed face.

"It's loud and boring and and they are always there" Lily said pointing to the group across from them.

"What you pointing at us for Evans?" James asked leaning on the table.

"I was telling Lizzie how you lot are always in Zonkos and that's one reason i hate the shop" Lily said with a scowl.

"Oh come on Evans you know you love us" James said with his cocky grin that he always has plastered on his face.

"I- i do not! I only love Elise!" Lily said stuttering which normally never happened she most the time could keep in her nerves but with James leaning closer and closer to the girl she was obviously flustered. At this point Lily's cheeks were so red she looked like a tomato.

"What's got you so red Evans" James whispered getting closer. The rest of table watched with amusement.

"Ge- get away from me James i- i mean it!" Lily said with a harsh tone. James hadn't moved though and Lizzie could see Lily's hand start to move. Then


James was now stammering back holding his cheek. She really just did that Lizzie thought to herself. Lily looked shocked she got up and left. The rest of them looked just as bad as Lily did. Remus was the only one who looked somewhat normal he knew Lily was a strong girl and wouldn't hesitate to make herself not uncomfortable.

"I've got to go thanks for the butterbeer" Lizzie said getting up and running after Lily.

As she got outside she looked everywhere and couldn't find the ginger. So she had decided Lily went back to castle. She made it to the castle and looked everywhere in Hogwarts. She eventually found her at the library. Of course she always loved the library.

"Lily?" Lizzie asked softly sitting next to her.

"What" Lily said in a harsh tone not looking at Lizzie but staring at the pages in her book.

"Are you alright? I didn't know he was gonna do that" Lizzie said looking down.

Lily signed "I'm fine he just makes me- makes me so annoyed!" Lily said throwing her book down onto her lap.

"I'm sorry i shouldn't have asked you to sit with them all my fault" Lizzie said looking down looking like she would cry.

"It's alright i should've just said no" Lily said.

"But you did say no i made you come" Lizzie complained. She felt horrible.

"Lizzie stop if i didn't wanna sit with them i would've argued with you and anyway i'm used to this James does this everyday" Lily said sighing picking her book up again and began to read.

"Bye Lily i gotta go talk to professor Filtwick about my grades in Charms" Lizzie said picking up her bag and putting it on her shoulder.

"Bye" Lily said waving.


"Professor Filtwick?" Lizzie asked after knocking. She's had recently been doing very bad in Charms and she sits by a Slytherin named Oliver Prince and he isn't much help. She is pretty sure Oliver is failing.

"Come in!" Filtwick said through the door. As Lizzie walked in Snape was walking out with Malfoy behind him. Snape gave Lizzie a scowl which she returned.

"Ahh miss.Stevenson i've been waiting for you!" Filtwick said holding out a hand for her to shake. Lizzie had to bend down a bit to shake his hand.

"Miss.Stevenson recently your grades haven't been the best. Because of your grades i will be getting a fellow student to help you. Now by help i mean help not copy" he said looking at her with narrowed eyes.

"I don't think that's necessary i'm sure with just a bit of studying i could get my grades up." Lizzie said with wide eyes. She hated getting help from others she thought it made her look not as smart as she is.

"Miss.Stevenson you've already been studying no?" Filtwick said with a confused face.

"Well of course sir but-" she started to say but was cut off.

"No buts miss.Stevenson you will be getting another students help because i think that will be best"

"Yes sir" Lizzie said with a sigh.

"Ok i will speak with my best student and will see when they are free then i will let you know who they are and when you will start. You may go"

"Thank you Professer" Lizzie said walking out.

As she was walking out she ran into Siruis. "Oh i'm so sorry!" she said picking up the books she made him drop.

"It's ok Stevenson you can leave them" Sirius said.

"No please let me get them" she said now picking up the last book and giving them to him.

"Thanks Stevenson" Lizzie just nodded.

I hope you enjoyed! <3
Who do you think will be Lizzies helper?

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