25 Heart Break

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Year 6 Heartbreak

"The silent treatment then?" Severus asked

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"The silent treatment then?" Severus asked. Lily sighed.

"Not the silent treatment i just have nothing to say to you"

"Look Lily i really sorry for what i said i didn't mean it"

"Severus i don't know how our friendship would go if i forgave you"

"Lily i understand"

"I think i ca-"

"I like you" Severus blurted out cutting off Lily's words.

"You- You what?" Lily stammered.

"Nothing i- i- i've gotta go" Snape said running off. Lily just stood in shock

"What the hell just happened" she said out loud.

Lily walked into the common room still with wide eyes. Lizzie now turned her head away from Remus and Sirius

"Lily what happened?"
"You look like you've seen a ghost"
"Was it that git Snape?" They all said at the same time.

"It- it was nothing" Lily said stumbling up the stairs still in shock. Lizzie ran up the stairs after her.

"Lily what happened?" Lizzie asked coming in the dorm after her.

"He said....he....liked me" Lily breathed out.

"He what?" Lizzie yelled.

Lily just looked up at her slowly "After that he just ran away"

"Do you want me to talk to him i will do it"

"No no it's ok Liz"

"Are you sure?"

"Yea i just need to rest"

"Ok if you need anything i will be downstairs"

"Thank you Liz" Lily said hugging her.

"What happened?" James asked Lizzie as she walked down.

"I don't think she wants anyone to know James" Remus said

"Yea Rem is right she doesn't" Lizzie answered sitting down in between Sirius and Remus again.

"You really can't say?" James whined

"No James now stop asking" Lizzie said.


"Good morning Lil how are you feeling?" Lizzie said getting Lily up

"Why are you up Lizzie?" Lily asked looking at her clock that read 5:30am.

"I wanted to be the one to get you up"


"Oh come on i was trying to be nice" Lizzie said rolling her eyes.

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