17 The First Game

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Year 6 The First Game

Everything every practice,every yell,every run, all of it had been for this day

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Everything every practice,every yell,every run, all of it had been for this day. The first Quidditch game of the year.

"Are you ready?" Marlene asked Lizzie but she didn't answer she just kept staring at her breakfast.

"Lizzie?" Lily said nudging the brunette. She still didn't move.

"Creppy" Marlene said poking her forehead.

"Stop" Lizzie blurted out.

Marlene gave a weird face. "That's creppy Liz"

Lizzie lifted her head up slowly glaring at Marlene. Marlene just widen her eyes staring back at Lizzie.

"Ooo this feels like a staring contest who-will-win?" Marlene said the last part dramatically. Lizzie just kept glaring at her now pressing her lips together in a line.

"Alright this is going for a bit long don't you think" Marlene said trying hard not to blink as tears filled the brim of her eyes.

"Alright! You win! I'm done!"

Lizzie still didn't look away.

"Liz are you sure your alright?" Alice asked

Lizzie looked back down at her food. Remus,James,Siruis, and Peter were now coming to get all the players so they could leave. Remus was going to nudge Lizzie.

"I wouldn't do that she's in her game mood who knows what she'll do probably break your finger" Marlene said in a dark tone

Remus' eyes widen as he backed away from her.

"Oh come of it!" Lily said. "Lizzie you've got to go it's game time you'll be late!" Lily snapped

At the words "you'll be late" Lizzies head snapped up and she quickly shoved a piece of toast down her throat as she got up.

The whole way down Remus kept far away from Lizzie to scared of what'll she'll do to him if he said something wrong. Marlene just didn't even try talking to Lizzie.


"You've got this" Lizzie whispered to herself in the locker room. She peaked her head out to see a bunch of tiny red,green,blue, and yellow circles in the stands.

James insisted on giving the speech for the first game since he was caption and thought he would be best at it.

"Alright it's the first game of the season! We are gonna go out there and be the lions we are! We will tackle,fight, and destroy those snakes! We will put our heads together and we will win! RA-"

"Potter! It's time!" Mcgonagall said cutting off James. Thank goodness she did or James would've embarrassed the team before the game even started. They all walked out onto the pitch hearing roars of cheering.

"Lets introduce our teams! First Gryffindor! Starting with our caption and chasers James Potter, Marlene McKinnon, and Remus Lupin! Seeker Lizzie Stevenson! Keeper Frank Longbottom! And last but not least beaters Siruis Black and Steven Jones!"

Each player zoomed across the sky pumping their fist into the sky when their name was called.

"Now introducing the Slytherins! Booo!"

"Mr.Johnson!" Mcgonagall yelled

"Sorry not sorry miss! Anyway. Captian and Seeker Regulus Black! Keeper Lucius Malfoy! Alecto Carrow and Amycus Carrow beaters! Chasers Evan Rosier,Rodolphus Lestrange, and Bartemius Crouch Jr.!"

James and Regulus had now shook hands. James looked like he was squeezing poor Regulus' hand so tight it would break but Regulus was squeezing with just as much force.

"And their off!" Damon Johnson the commenter a fifth year Gryffindor called out.

All team members had now kicked off the ground flying high into the air.

"James Potter starts off with the quaffle! Mckinnon —- no —- Rosier has now got possession of the quaffle! Come on Longbottom block it! YES! Longbottom blocks Rosier!"

Siruis had now sent a bludger toward Lucius.

"Penalty!" Madam Higgs called out.

Mcgonagall had now taken the microphone from Damon. "You do not send a bludger toward a keeper unless the quaffle is near them!"

"Sorry Minnie!" Siruis yelled as loud as he could.

"Lestrange takes the penalty shot for Slytherin! He scores. Ten-twenty Slytherin"

Lizzie groaned she needed to find the snitch soon or they would be losing.

"And the game starts again! Crouch takes the quaffle! Lupin now has the quaffle! He shots. He scores!"

Remus pumped his fists into the air! "WOOO!"

Lizzie was smiling so big she forgot she was supposed to be looking for the little golden snitch. She then saw something gleaming beneath one of the Gryffindor hoops. She looked at Regulus seeing he wasn't paying attention and went for the snitch.

"Stevenson's spotted the snitch everyone!"

Regulus quickly looked at the girl then saw what she did. He was now speeding toward her. Sirius now sent a bludger toward him. Lizzie didn't pay any attention to this and dived for the snitch but she didn't catch it. It moved as the back of her broom hit the metal hoop.

"Damn it" she muttered.

Lizzie was now flying high into the sky trying to look for the small gleaming ball. It was now right above Remus' head. "Got you now" She said as she leaned forward speeding toward the snitch seeing Regulus out the corner of her eye doing the same. Remus had now moved and she was now reaching out as far as she could as she caught the snitch.


Everyone was now flying toward the ground as Lizzie was still holding up the golden snitch. She now was headed toward the ground jumping off her broom.

"You were amazing!" Remus said giving her a hug

At first she was bit taken aback but quickly melted into the hug.

"So we're you!" She said grinning from ear to ear.

"STEVENSON! STEVENSON!" Everyone was now chanting. James and Siruis picked her up on their shoulders now. That wouldn't be the end of celebrating their win definitely not the end.


I hope you all are enjoying my story! <3

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