14  chocolate

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Year 6 Chocolate
(Tw// Blood)

"Chocolate?" Remus Lupin asked while sitting between Lizzie and Lily in the library

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"Chocolate?" Remus Lupin asked while sitting between Lizzie and Lily in the library.

"Sure" Lily said taking a piece

Remus looked at Lizzie.

"Why not" Lizzie said taking a piece

She was about to take a bite before she stopped dead in her tracks and went wide eyed.

"Wait will this kill me?" Lizzie whispered to Remus

Remus raised an eyebrow.

"Because my animagus is a wolf dogs can't have chocolate" Lizzie whispered

Remus just started laughing. Lizzie actually looked hurt by the boys behavior.

"What?" Lizzie whimpered

"Lizzie chocolate won't kill you" Remus said then started to laugh again.

"What are you laughing at?" Lily said

"Nothing" Remus said

Lily just gave him a look. "Ok"


Lizzie was now in the common room with Marlene.

"Lizzie stop reading" Marlene said snatching the book out of Lizzie's grip.

"HEY!" Lizzie said reaching for the book

"NO!" Marlene said backing her arm further and further away.

Lizzie went to reach for it again and fell off the couch she was laying on.

"ARGHHHH" Lizzie screamed

The whole common room started laughing.

"OI! MARLENE LOOK WHAT YOU DID!" Lizzie said pointing to her hip that was now bleeding and bruising.

"How is it bruising and bleeding it wasn't even a high fall" Marlene questioned

"I don't know maybe i'm bloody broken" Lizzie let out

Remus was now standing over Lizzie with his arm extended to her. Lizzie gave him a confused look.

"Give me your hand" Remus smiled

"Oh yea right" Lizzie said grabbing his hand as he pulled her up.

"Are you alright?" Remus asked

"Yea i'll be alright" Lizzie said

"You might wanna go to the hospital wing" Remus said pointing to her bleeding side.

"Yea i probably should"

Stevenson / Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now