13  The Piece of Parchment

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Year 6 The Piece of Parchment

   "Come on Moony" James said

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   "Come on Moony" James said

"Yeah come on Moony" Peter said

"Don't be an idiot Moony" Siruis said

"Look at how pathetic he looks Moony" Elise said.

Lizzie could hear the Marauders and Elise badgering Remus to talk to Lily for James. She just rolled her eyes and kept reading.

"Why can't you just talk to her!" Remus asked

"Because she hasn't said yes before why would she now" he whined

"Moony come on" Peter said

"Fine. But i can't promise it will change anything" Remus said

"THANK YOU MOONY!" James screamed running and hugging the boy

"Cant-breathe-James" Remus huffed out

"Sorry mate" James said

Lizzie kept looking at her book as she giggled.

"What you laughing at Stevenson?" Siruis asked

"Oh nothing really just you lots happiness over Remus agreeing to help James with Lily"

"What he knows her better then the rest of us" Peter said

"I know it's just funny"

"Remus are you going to go?" James asked

"Me and Lily aren't going to the library till 12 guys it's 11:20" Remus said

James plopped down on the couch. "This may finally be my chance" James sighed

"I wouldn't be to sure pretty boy" Lizzie said

James and Siruis now got up and we're sitting on either side of her.

"Oh yea and why's that Stevenson" Siruis asked.

"Because i think she's made it clear she doesn't like guys like well....you" she said pointing at James looking him up and down.

"Wow that's hurts Lizzie" James joked

"Sorry did i hurt pretty boys feelings?" Lizzie said twitching her lip into a smile.

"Did you hear that guys she called me pretty" James said while fake fainting.

They all laughed.


Remus was now sitting in the library with Lily.

"So...Lily i heard you and James were getting a bit closer"

"Sure i guess you could say that" Lily said

"So do you like him?" Remus asked

Lily just gave him a pondering look then shook her head no.

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