40 The Project

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Year 6 The Project

  It was the next morning after the marauders decided to play the prank on the Slytherins

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It was the next morning after the marauders decided to play the prank on the Slytherins.

"So how'd it go?" Lizzie whispered to the boys as she Lily and Alice went down to the common room to wait for Marlene to leave for breakfast.

"It went well but we'll see at breakfast" Siruis whispered back.

Then the marauders walked to the Great Hall to get their early to see all of the Slytherins reactions.

Marlene eventually came down and all the girls walked to breakfast.

After a couple minutes of conversing a few Slytherins walked in. They all had bright red hair and red and gold robes and they all looked extremely mad. The marauders, Elise, Lizzie, and Marlene broke into laughter. Lily glared at them.

"Did you guys do this?" Lily asked. The marauders all gave each other a grin then looked at Lily and shook their heads no. "Who did then?" she asked in a sarcastic voice.

"Yea who did it then boys?" asked Lizzie grinning.

"We don't know" Siruis said shrugging.

Just then Severus walked in looking more mad than ever. Lizzie couldn't tell if Lily was pleased or mad. Just then Lily's face had a grin on it and she started to snigger.

"Ok the look on his face is kind of funny" Lily admitted.

"Knew we did it good" James said.

"A-ha!" shouted Lily.

"Shit" James said as his grin dropped.

"Go before she kills you all" whispered Lizzie seeing the look on Lily's face go from smiling to bright red.

The boys all jumped out of their seats running out of the great hall as Lily ran after them leaving Lizzie, Elise, and Marlene dying of laughter.


Lily eventually caught them and now the boys had detention with Mcgonagall for the rest of the week at 5.

"That should straighten them out" said Lily joining the girls on their walk to Herbology.

"You know Mcgonagall loves them right?" said Marlene.

"Yes but she's the only one they listen to" said Lily.

"Your right" Marlene said.

"When do they go?" asked Lizzie.

"At 5 and they get back at 7"

"Lily please tell Minnie you were joking please i have stuff to do" begged Siruis.

"No and what stuff?" asked Lily.

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