12 Animagus

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Year 6 Animagus

The three animals stumbled back looking at each other

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The three animals stumbled back looking at each other.

How? James thought

Did she just- Siruis questioned

She's an animagus Peter now thought

It was Lizzie's fifth year she had just learned about something called a Animagus. She was so fascinated by it her professor had told her class not to try and became animagi. But Lizzie was to interested she just had to try it. She did lots of research and kept a mandrake leaf in her mouth for a month it was torture. She took the potion she did everything she needed to. The day her transformation was over she tried to transform into an animal. It didn't work she couldn't seem to change and ever since that she didn't try to transform again.

Lizzie was confused she felt smaller and the werewolf had stopped he just stood there staring at her with his head tilted. She looked down to see white fur.

What the hell? Lizzie thought

Your an animagus? Sirius asked

Woah did i just hear Sirius' thoughts? Lizzie thought

Yea you did James said

Holy shite i can hear what your thinking! Lizzie said

Yea how else are animagus supposed to communicate? Siruis asked

Wait if the dog is Siruis the stag is James and the rat is Peter who's the werewolf? Lizzie asked

The three animals gave each a look

Is she a bit daft? Thought James

I can hear you idiots Lizzie said back.

Who's the other boy who's always with us? Peter asked

REMUS? Lizzie said

Obviously it's Moony Siruis said

Moony...that where the nicknames came from Lizzie thought

Yup Moony,Wormtail,Padfoot, and Prongs i think it's a bit obvious now. James said

Lizzie was told by the boys to go and they would be there soon to explain. So now Lizzie was headed back out the tree pressing the knot to stop the branches from swinging. She sat there for what felt like hours then she saw 3 boys coming out of the trunk with a shirtless Remus in their arms.

Stevenson / Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now