04 The "thing"

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Year 6 The "thing"

Lizzie, Lily, Marlene, and Alice were now all walking to dinner

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Lizzie, Lily, Marlene, and Alice were now all walking to dinner. Dinner was going as usual until.


There were 3 loud bangs and this made everyone in the room go completely silent. Then a huge sheet from above fell and loads and loads of fireworks started to come down and onto the slytherin table. There were loud bangs everywhere and teachers yelling for everyone to get out. There was laughter and screaming. Lizzie and the rest of the girls watched everyone go mad while standing up. Lizzie looked at Lily then at the four boys that were known for their pranks.

"You don't think" Lizzie said to Lily with open mouth.

"They wouldn't. Would they?" Lily said.

The four boys were just sitting their and laughing like everyone else was. Later on that night every head of house went to their houses common rooms and tried to get someone to fess up but not a single person did. Dumbledore was asked to give a lecture to the students and so the next day he gave the students a long lecture about breaking rules and things like that and what the consequences would be if anyone weren't to fess up by Sunday. He also said the first hogsmeade trip for that weekend would be canceled. There were many groans and boos coming from the crowd.

"Ugh I was actually looking forward to the Hogsmeade trip!" Elise complained.

"They can't do this!" James said.

"This isn't fair it was a harmless prank" Siruis threw his arms up in frustration.

"Harmless prank. Harmless prank?" Lily scoffed at the boys.

"What? No one was hurt!" James reasoned.

"It doesn't matter someone could've been if anything had gone wrong!" Lily shrieked!

"Oh come on lighten up" Peter said.

"Shut it Pettigrew" Marlene said.

Lizzie then looked over at Remus and he just gave her a smile. She smiled back at him.

"C'mon Liz" said Lily pulling Lizzie away from the table.


This saturday was pretty boring after breakfast Lizzie decided to go on a walk around the campus and eventually layed down on the ground by the black lake to read. While she was reading she heard the leaves crunch under someone's feet and they were getting louder and louder. She looked up from her book to see Remus Lupin standing over her.

"Well hello" She said sitting up.

"Hi sorry to if i'm bothering you" Remus said quickly.

"No your fine what's up?" Lizzie asked

"I was just walking and saw you laying here and decided to say hi" Remus shrugged.

They fell into a comfortable silence both staring into the black lake.

"Did you do it?" Lizzie said.

"What?" Remus said confused.

Lizzie just looked at him. "Yesterday was that the "thing" you and James were talking about?"

"Oh that..."

"So...it was you?" she said

Remus gave her a smile and said "That's a secret" he said while standing up then giving her a wink and walking away back up to the castle. Lizzie just sat there now confused with her eyebrows furrowed.

"That was weird" she said out loud to herself.


The rest of the weekend was boring still no one had confessed to doing the prank. Everyone was still in the dark and for the marauders that was a good thing they didn't need to get expelled in their 6th year.

"Quidditch starts next month are you ready?" Marlene asked Lizzie.

"Yea i'm ready i'll make the team i'm sure of it i make it every year why would this year be any different?" Lizzie asked with a worry in her voice did Marlene think she wasn't gonna make it?

"Because James Potter is team caption this year" Alice added.

"WHAT?!" Lizzie yelled. People around started to look at her the brunettes face went red and her eyes widen.

"Yea did it not say it on the letter?" Marlene questioned.

"No it never does" Lizzie said quickly.

"Oh well yea anyway are you gonna eat that?" Marlene said pointing to Lizzies cake.

Lizzie felt sick she now was worried she wouldn't be able to play her favorite sport.

"Not anymore" the girl answered while pushing the blonde the plate.

"Yay! I love cake!" Marlene smiled Lizzie just gave her a look. "What you know how much i love sweets Stevenson"

"Yeah alright"


I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Pls feel free to comment any ideas!<3

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