05 Landon

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                          Year 6 Landon

   The weeks we're passing faster then before before you knew it, it was already almost halloween classes were getting harder and you could find Lily and Lizzie in the library almost everyday trying to force Marlene to come along

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   The weeks we're passing faster then before before you knew it, it was already almost halloween classes were getting harder and you could find Lily and Lizzie in the library almost everyday trying to force Marlene to come along. But today was different Lily or Lizzie couldn't be found in the library or the Gryffindor common room but in the Slytherin common room. Lily hadn't had much time to spend with Severus and she missed her friend and Lizzie had nothing else to do so she decided she could use a day away from all Gryffindors.

"Severus!" Lily called out walking to the boy in front of the Slytherin common room who had been waiting for Lily and Lizzie.

"Lily!" The two hugged.

"Hey Severus" Lizzie said.

"Oh hi Lizzie i didn't know you were coming today....not that it's a problem just didn't know" He said with a bit of a scowl which Lily didn't notice but Lizzie did.

The there sat in the common room studying and laughing. But as they were talking Severus' friends walked up to them.

"Severus why are you talking to them?" a tall blonde Lizzie knew as Lucius asked.

"Lily's my friend" Severus said defending the red head.

"And this beauty?" Thomas Nott said smirking at Lizzie. Lizzie rolled her eyes.

"That's Lizzie Stevenson Lily's friend"

"Hm Stevenson do i know a stevenson?" Theodore questioned.

"Wait Stevenson do you happen to be Landon's little sister?" a girl with messy curly black hair asked.

"Yes i do....Why?" Lizzie asked.

"Just wondering"

Just then the boy they were talking about strutted into the common room.

"Nott! Get away from my sister" Landon said.

"Lizzie what are you doing here?" Landon spat.

"First of all its none of your business but if you would like to know I was hanging out with friends" Lizzie grimaced.

"I'm finally nice and this is how you treat me" The older brunette scoffed.

"Oh don't act like you care" Lizzie said staring her brother in the eyes now.

"I do care! Your just to selfish to realize it!" Landon snarled.

"Whatever Lily i'm leaving" Lizzie said walking out. As she was walking out she felt a sharp pain in her wrist her brother had grabbed her wrist so hard it was hurting her.

"Your a spoiled brat just like mom one day you'll end up just like them if you don't get your act right, alone and old" tears started to form in Lizzie's eyes from the pain of him digging his fingers into her wrist.

"Got that Lizzie?" Landon screamed.

"Yea...got it" Lizzie said in a low whisper her voice cracking as the words came out. Her brother let go pushing her Lizzie just walked out and went to her dorm.

"LIZ YOU'LL NEVER BELIEVE WHAT HA-....Lizzie?" Marlene questioned as she heard a soft cry coming from under Lizzie's sheets.

"Lizzie are you ok?" Marlene asked.

"Yea i'm fine" Lizzie whimpered wiping away her tears.

"Liz whatever happened know i'm here for you"

"I know and thank you"

Lizzie explained everything to Marlene Lily still wasn't back yet which meant she had stayed. Lizzie eventually fell asleep while laying on Marlenes lap.


It was the next morning Lizzie didn't wanna get up it was a sunday so she wouldn't miss any classes if she decided to stay in bed but she didn't she wasn't gonna let some brother of hers ruin her day. She decided she would read at the black lake. She loved just sitting by the black lake it was so calming. She was reading "Titanic" it was one of her favorite muggle series.

"Alice want to come read with me by the lake?"

"Yeah i'll be ready in like two minutes.

Lizzie had noticed recently she hadn't been seeing the 4 boys known as the marauders as much as she used to. She wondered what they were up to.

"Hey Liz?"


"Can i do your hair?"

"Yeah course you can"

"Alright" Alice then used a spell to conjure different color flowers as she started to braid Lizzies hair into a ponytail. "Which flowers would you like?"

"Your choice surprise me"

"Alright" she said putting multiple different flowers into her hair. "Wow it's beautiful"

"Do you have a mirror?"

"Here" Alice said handing her a mirror.

"It's amazing thank you Al"

"Thank you"

"Where did you learn to braid like this?"

"My mum taught me" she smiled.

"I wish my mum taught me how to do things like this it's beautiful"

"I'm sorry Lizzie I know it must be hard having to live with her"

"It's ok Al"


I hope you enjoyed! This chapter was a bit shorter because i think what happens next should be in it owns chapter :)

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