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sensitive topics !
name calling, mentions of blood, etc.

i-land just ended. it's been around a week or so since the final debut lineup was announced to the world. fans were estatic, their seniors were estatic, the group of 8 was estatic.

today was the day for the group to fly back from JeJu, something NaRi had been looking forward to. she was excited beyond words to return home, although some concerns kept popping up in her mind.

more specifically, the airport.

NaRi had always been scared of being trapped in tight spaces. barely anyone knew this, since she thought it'd make her seem vulnerable in some way— and that was the last thing she wanted.

this day, she wore the biggest black hoodie she could find. maybe i can blend in better with this on.. yeah, maybe.

as the car approached the airport, she caught a quick glance of the crowd. so. many. people. i thought like fifteen people would be here at the most... she carefully stepped out of the car, immediately finding HeeSeung's hand from in front of her. "please don't leave me.." she weakly said, not loud enough for him to hear.

the group of 8 quickly walked into the building, all hoping and praying they wouldn't get mobbed by the humongous group of fans.

..they were wrong.

NaRi kept her head hung low, eyes glued to the ground. maybe if i don't look at them they won't do anything to me. they wouldn't do anything to me anyways, right? they support all of us...


she gripped onto HeeSeung's hand even tighter when she felt the security guards pushing up against her even more. some fans had somehow gotten closer to where she was standing— there was specifically one trying to reach her.

and that's what she did. the fan was somehow able to push through the security guards' shielding, her hand now an inch away from NaRi's.

the older girl reached out further for NaRi's arm, immediately clawing her arm with her long acrylics. she felt NaRi jump at the harsh contact, making the older smile under her mask.

"fucking bitch," she spoke in Mandarin, knowing that was the one language the boys didn't know, "stay away from my HeeSeung oppa." she spat out at the younger girl, clenching her fingers harder into the girls skin though the hoodie, somehow drawing blood. "how'd you even make it to the group? you know nothing. you're worth nothing. you shouldn't be with them." she managed to get out before the groups manager shoved her out of the way, back into the crowd.

NaRi heard and understood every. single. word.

her mind began racing, her attention somehow leaving her current situation, drifting away to what the older girl told her. do i really not have a place here? she ended up letting go of HeeSeung's hand in the process, now feeling alone.

she kept her eyes on the floor, hand now flying behind her in order to somehow latch onto someone's hand in the process. Jay took notice of the girls action, immediately moving forward to try to lightly jerk her back to his body. he succeeded, but this made NaRi all the more terrified.

she let out a small whimper, head immediately flinching back. "please don't hurt me.." she said in the weakest voice possible. "NaRi.. it's me. you're okay." Jay responded back to her, now taking her in his embrace. he had no idea what had happened to her, all he knew was that he had to be there for her.

they continued walking for what felt like an eternity, NaRi still tightly clinging onto Jay. the members were all distraught, some crying, all petrified from their first airport experience. we haven't even debuted yet...

𝐈&𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐄, 𝐞𝐧𝐡𝐲𝐩𝐞𝐧Where stories live. Discover now