enhypen debut showcase

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November 30, 2020.


NaRi finished the Flicker performance, a sigh of relief escaping her lips. we're really doing this, huh? she lightly cheered as the directors' cue was given, pure happiness shown on her face.

"we'll officially greet you. 1, 2, CONNECT! hello, we are ENHYPEN!" the eight-membered group greeted their viewers, wide smiles plastered on their faces.

NaRi listened as the boys read off their scripts, eyes lighting up when Sunoo mentioned their ENGENEs.

"i heard ENGENEs are joining us to celebrate with us today. where are they?"

"engene~" NaRi called out in a playful tone, looking around for their beloved supporters.

she lightly cheered as ENGENEs from around the world began popping up on the big screen before them, eyes lighting up with nothing but love. her immediate reaction was to run to the screens, careful to not trip over her heeled boots. her eyes searched around for anyone who held a 'NaRi' sign, heart jumping out of her chest when she found one. i was expecting no one to have one for me but OH MY GOSH SHE'S SO CUTE! NaRi ran to the girls' space on the screen, blowing kisses to her face.

"should we high-five?"
"well, NaRi's already doing it!"

NaRi blew her final kiss to the girl, now running around along with the boys, wanting to 'high-five' as many ENGENEs as possible.

her eyes were lightly coated with tears, her body instantly refusing to release them. no, NaRi, you can cry later! her attention continued to stay on the large screen before them as the boys talked about the viewers, NaRi suddenly exclaiming, "why are ENGENEs so beautiful?!" while lightly pouting, making the boys squeal at her unplanned cuteness.

"we asked ENGENEs beforehand what they wanted to see in this border:day one stream," HeeSeung began, making NaRi smile.

"yes! and we.. i... saw everything you all wanted!" she said her line aloud, knowing ENGENEs would be confused at her statement.

NaRi happily reacted to the boys' responses to the questions they were given, still slightly caught up in the big screen.

she covered her face in her tiny hands as their debut show spoiler photo was revealed to the viewers, embarrassment from that particular shoot creeping up on her. "that's so embarrassing oh my gosh oh my gosh can we please move along?!" she asked the boys, turning her body away from the big screen.

"what is this?"
"everything you didn't know about ENHYPEN about artists and ENHYPEN as boys."
"but i'm a girl?"
"it starts now!"


JungWon's interview

"which show do you want to go on after your debut?"
"three meals a day"
"anywhere that calls me."
"JTBC Soccer"
"Knowing Bros"
NaRi stopped to think for a second, "K-Bob Star and Knowing Bros!"

Jake's interview

"i'm in charge of speaking English."
"hey," NaRi suddenly popped into the frame, "me too!"
"actually, the voice on the debut trailer is my English narration."
she popped in once again, this time more 'offended', "hey! that was mine, too!"

𝐈&𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐄, 𝐞𝐧𝐡𝐲𝐩𝐞𝐧Where stories live. Discover now