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perhaps the biggest secret anyone had been forced to keep inside for so long.

the few words that could break their careers that've just recently begun.

how long could they keep this inside them?

how long until one would crack, accidentally slipping up.

how long?

the winter of 2019—

NaRi'd been doing amazing. reaching her 5-year trainee mark earlier in the year, continuing to make the best of friends she knew'd last her entire lifetime. sure, a certain incident she thought she'd never bounce back from had happened— but she found a way to get back to happiness. everything was going amazing.

"hey.. NaRi?"
the girl's head whipped towards the source of the voice, allowing her to catch sight of the sweet voice's owner— Yang JungWon.
she smiled a bit, "hey, hyung! what'd you need?"
the boy was obviously nervous, his fingers nonstop fidgeting with eachother, his stiff, hesitant steps as he made his way to where she sat. just do it, dude.

"uh.." he began, cutting himself off. how am i supposed to do this?
she chuckled a bit, "you okay? what's wrong?"
the boy let out a sigh, finally allowing his body to sit beside her on the ground. "uh.. i wanted to tell you something?" he trailed off, unable to maintain eye contact.

"okay, go ahead!"
taking yet another breath, he managed to muster up some confidence.


"i uh.. okay.. i like you. a lot. this is maybe super weird for me to say and you definitely don't feel the same way but.. i like you. and was wondering if.. you know.. you'd like to be my girlfriend? it's totally okay if not, though!" he spit out after what felt like an eternity, his face turning a bright pink shade.

she could only smile, placing her notebook behind where she sat. she blushed, suddenly becoming shy. "yeah.. i'd like that." she mumbled out, unwanting to make eye contact with the boy she'd just agreed to date.

JungWon was at a sudden loss for words— his mouth only able to open and close as if he'd lost the ability to speak. he stopped after a while, a bright smile taking over once he'd processed what she'd said. "really?"

she looked up for the first time in a few minutes, face still blushed. "yeah, duh~"

and so they did. they were happy in their own little world, a secret to everyone else— even HeeSeung, who she told everything to.

that was up until April of 2020, when BangPD had told a few select trainees that they'd compete in a survival show to debut later in the year— "I-Land". JungWon had gotten the news, saddened because he knew his relationship with NaRi would be no more.

she received the I-Land news weeks after the boy trainees had, leaving a feeling of shock radiating through her insides. "what do we do?" she asked the boy, who was now sitting in front of her.

"maybe we could..."

the pair went through I-Land, pretending to not know eachother that well even though they'd trained together for some time— and, well, you know.

the stolen glances, the twitches of jealousy when she'd become way closer to some trainees more than others, the longing to hold her in his arms like he'd wished to for so long— how long could it last?

finally the long period of time ended, the couple was chosen to become team members, life was good again. the two felt immense happiness, knowing the time to reveal their biggest secret was coming closer than ever.

due to the pandemic, ENGENE and netizens were never really able to get a chance to catch the couple being a couple— which made the pair feel all the more relieved. they'd finally gotten the chance to show more of their 'loving' side with eachother, they one thing they'd longed for for months.

the leader and the first maknae revealed their, now 11-month relationship, to the rest of their team— who were all at a loss of words. how were they able to keep it from them for so long?

the first thing Ni-Ki had done was apologize for his constant flirting and skinship with his hyung's girlfriend, to which JungWon simply laughed and brushed it off since he couldn't have possibly known.


everything was going great, the happiness the older boy provided her only added onto her that which she'd gained herself, nothing could top it.

it's time to wake up.

"baby, you have to get up now."
"baby, please?"
"i don't wanna."

Ni-Ki sighed, holding his self-proclaimed soulmate in his arms, her warm body only clinging tighter to his still laying figure. he looked down to his chest, catching sight of her head slightly twitching. he muffled a laugh, slightly throwing his head back. "she must be dreaming again."

he grabbed for his phone, deciding to let her wake up a bit more on her own and not disturb her dream.

a few more minutes passed, a tiny sneeze causing NaRi to jolt out of her sleep, a small chuckle following right after. "i'm awake, i guess?" she mumbled, laying back onto Ni-Ki's chest. the boy chuckled, running his fingers through her hair.

"what'd you dream about?"
she lifted her head up, her eyes squinting from the heavy light seeping into the room. "how'd you know i was dreaming?"
"your head was twitching. i could feel it."
she stayed quiet for a moment, hesitating whether or not to tell the truth. "i dreamt that i dated Wonie-hyung all throughout I-Land and even through now.. it was so weird." she mumbled out, a small chuckle leaving her afterwards.

the boy only laughed, pushing her back to lean into his hold once more, "only in your dreams, babe."

yeah, all a dream.

🦇 ... !

y'all are so confused😭 it's adorable ..
this falls in the AU section, so JungWon and NaRi dating was only a dream— Ni-Ki and NaRi aren't dating, they talk to eachother / refer to eachother like they are!!!! our girl is a free lady

hope this clears the confusion up!

𝐈&𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐄, 𝐞𝐧𝐡𝐲𝐩𝐞𝐧Where stories live. Discover now