like i'm gonna lose you

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"hey~ jagi~" the girl drew out, skipping into the bedroom where she knew Ni-Ki was laying

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"hey~ jagi~" the girl drew out, skipping into the bedroom where she knew Ni-Ki was laying.
"what do you want?" he asked, looking up from his phone only to get another phone shoved in his face.
"oh? cassie?" he mumbled out, remembering one of NaRi's favourite 'mooties' as he glanced at the twitter handle.
"mhm," she nodded in confirmation, waiting for him to finish reading the tweet.

"oh yeah.. you haven't really shown that side of your dancing since then,"
"mhm~" she grinned brighter.
"why are you looking at me like that?" he asked, playing scared.
she giggled, plopping herself beside him on the bed. "you wanna break the internet with me again?"

Ni-Ki leaned down to look directly into her eyes, "you mean.."
"you wanna do another dance cover?"
"man, maybe we are soulmates,"

Ni-Ki simply chuckled at her words, his hand moving to play with her 'raccoon'-dyed hair out of custom. he looked back down at his phone, "do you have a song in mind?"
"mm.." she began, exiting twitter to open spotify on her phone, "i've been looking but none have like, caught my attention that much yet,"

the boy only made a noise of understanding, leaning his head over hers as he watched her scroll through the app-made playlists.
she stopped her scroll at one, a little 'oo!' sounding from the girl. she played the song, Ni-Ki understanding her silent request to listen to it with her.

the two maknaes listened to the song in it's entirety. both being the official ( and unofficial, but still official ) dance leaders of the team, their minds were imagining the steps they could add in a choreography to help a message be heard from across a screen, ways to display various forms of raw emotions through their bodies.

the song ended, NaRi immediately looking up at the boy, an expectant twinkle in her eye.
he could only chuckle, "i felt your head twitch, jagi. i could tell we were both thinking of moves for the song. i like it,"
she smiled once more, lightly nodding, "i do, too,"

even though they were close to ending their drunk-dazed promotions, they still had what seemed like endless practices because of their upcoming Japan debut. the group was given a few days break with light practices, both maknaes having a few hours scheduled as free time.

they decided on spending that time in the practice room, showing eachother different moves they thought could be pulled off between the two of them.

a few hours later, they had their finished product.

used this video as a reference!

ENHYPEN (엔하이픈) NARI & NI-KI's Meghan Trainor & John Legend 'Like I'm Gonna Lose You' DANCE COVER

𝐈&𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐄, 𝐞𝐧𝐡𝐲𝐩𝐞𝐧Where stories live. Discover now