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early march, 2022

early march, 2022

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❝ Hello. This is BigHit Music.

Conspiracies and unreliable stories about
ENHYPEN member NARI have recently began
circulating social media platforms. To avoid
unnecessary tension between the parties
involved, we, along with NaRi, have agreed on
posting this announcement.

Topics about NARI filing reports against the
group's agency first appeared mid-February.
While we're currently unable to clarify the reasons,
we're coming as the artist's parent agency to confirm
the claims.

NARI sat down with Chairman Park and
ex-Chairman Bang early February to discuss
concerns involving her contract with Be:Lift Lab.
While no official announcements will be made
until the court case is resolved, we ask the public
to respect all parties' privacy during this time.

We'll make another announcement regarding
this subject as soon as we're able to give solid,
reliable information.

Thank you. ❞

NaRi sighed as she slammed her phone onto the mattress, having read the company's official announcement regarding her... situation.

that's all anyone was able to talk about for the past week— ever since a dispatch article claiming she was suing the company, her name hadn't strayed from top five on worldwide tending topics.

anything but this.

she plopped her drained body onto the soft material, all emotions drained from her being.

but it was what she wanted, Ji-Won had respected her wishes to not mention the boys' involvement in the lawsuit.

it was NaRi vs Be:Lift, after all. they were just part of the package deal.

shortly after her talk with the two chairmen, BigHit's legal team had called her into the main office, requesting multiple pieces of reliable proof of the staff members' mistreatment of the group.

it was the easiest project she'd ever been given.

truth be told, NaRi'd began collecting screen recordings and videos of the staff's questionable actions towards the boys as early as a month after I-Land's end, some too hard for her to watch.

clips of the boys' smiles fading after reading the staff's comments during their livestreams, voice recordings of the boys' heartbreaking complaints because of their sleep deprivation, screenshots of their groupchat, the boys complaining of something someone besides their manager had forced them to do.

it'd been so easy for her. she wished it would've been harder.

shortly after her attachments had processed through their system, the legal team set up multiple meetings to discuss the lawsuit process with the girl.

never in a million years did she think she'd be the subject of a court case—

like brother, like sister.

she'd just escaped the horrors of Samuel's extensive lawsuit against the hellhole that was his old company— why'd she let herself get into this mess?

scratch that, she knew why. she knew it wouldn't be healthy for the eight to stay under Be:Lift, she knew they had to leave if they wanted to stay eight.

the boys had had so many talks of whether or not they wanted to continue under the agency. about how much more enjoyable their jobs would be if they could be under BigHit like their hyungs were.

hearing their words tore her heart, she knew this was the right thing to do. for all of them.

she hated seeing her beloved members be mistreated by the people they were supposed to rely on, the people who were supposed to protect them.

instead, they'd turned into people they feared. people they'd turn away from, knowing any of their commands would cause their initial passion away, piece by piece.

the girl stood from her starfish-like position, running her hands through her hair as she quietly opened the door to the bedroom, peeking outside before taking another step.

she landed in the doorway of the kitchen, leaning against the frame as her eyes scanned over the sight in front of her— the seven boys sprawled around the kitchen, making various side dishes for the meal Jay was cooking them.

she softly smiled, observing the seven unknowing boys.

maybe it was a mistake to not tell the boys of their slight involvement in the case— she wouldn't wanna get their hopes up in case something falls through, forcing them to stay in the agency.

but maybe.. just maybe she could give them the surprise of their careers.

nari vs belift mini series,
chapter three of ?,
🦇 ... !

𝐈&𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐄, 𝐞𝐧𝐡𝐲𝐩𝐞𝐧Where stories live. Discover now