fragile ²

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past events mentioned / reoccur.
physical sickness. food.

the words left a chilling feeling in the practice room they'd remained standing in, the seven boys hesitant to step closer towards the girl.

the words hurt NaRi. the boys knew it immediately, though it wouldn't be hard to tell if you were just someone passing by.

she kept her eyes traced to the floor, soon snapping out of the trance she'd been pulled into.

she lifted her head, looking towards the members. "we have nothing else for the day, can we go home now?" she asked in a weakened voice, their hearts burning with sadness.

JungWon was the first to clear his throat, still quietly. "yeah, yeah. of course. we can do that," he said, standing up. the boys followed his lead one by one, all eight now making their ways out the door with their belongings in hand.

the members all remained silent, the words byung ho had spoken to them still repeating themselves in their minds.

they eventually returned to their dorm, each taking turns cleaning themselves up. NaRi had let the boys all shower before her, feeling the need to take a longer shower than normal.

JungWon was the last boy to walk out, calling for NaRi. she quietly thanked the older boy, voice still weak.

she went into the shower, the first tear falling as soon as her head became drenched by the faucet. what a day.
she mentally cursed at herself, wondering why she wasn't able to reach the goals the trainers had placed out for her, even though she knew she'd succeeded in reaching the numbers even before their preparations began.

the next week was similar, the members focused on getting in shape and their healths slowly declining.

the words repeated themselves in her head, NaRi overworking herself and passing her own boundaries unknowingly.

the group's comeback was now in two weeks, the members learning the final touches in their choreographies.

the members were given a self-paced day, where they could practice and workout without any supervision, the staff members giving the eight time to make some progress on their own, however they pleased.

NaRi found herself in one of her favorite practice rooms in the HYBE building, dancing along to DREAMCATCHER's Odd Eye, a song she loved and never found difficult.

today, though, was different.

she slowly felt her chest becoming tighter, her throat closing itself up. she walked over to stop the music, however her legs went limp halfway through.

she whispered a curse out as her body gave up from under her, the back of her head hitting the ground as she did so.

she felt her breathing still speeding up, her eyes slowly closing. well shit, i didn't think it was so bad

"hyungie," she whispered out, for some reason hoping her airy word would be heard from the cafeteria.

five minutes of the girl laying on the ground, unconscious, had passed. the sound of her faint and shallow breaths drowned out by the speaker, now playing Save Me.

𝐈&𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐄, 𝐞𝐧𝐡𝐲𝐩𝐞𝐧Where stories live. Discover now