ep. 4 | representative unit

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"Kim NaRi," the producers began, "she definitely got the chance to shine through and show her full potential this round."
"i felt as though she was a lot more comfortable with this song, so she was able to get into it more."


NaRi, in this moment, was described as an excited baby who couldn't stop clapping her hands. she couldn't help it, she was happy because of how much they had improved.

four people though? that's still a lot of us..

THEY'RE GONNA SAY WHO GOT THE HIGHEST???? oh you've got to be joking me right now ...

NaRi could only feel the anxiousness running through her veins as she waited for the top 7 scores to be revealed. she wanted to be up there. she really wanted to be in the Top 7. she'd feel as if she let down BangTan if she wasn't, to be honest. the top 2 scores were the same, so she was aiming for at least 5th.

heeseungie hyung didn't get first? it might be K? oh wait i'm second! cool! ITS K HYUNG! YAY! once she saw K's picture pop up under 1st place, she walked over to his chair alongside HeeSeung to 'slap him for taking her place'.. but she just ended up hugging him.

we have to vote AGAIN?! i swear after this i'm calling PSY to come pick me up

NaRi sat in the pantry room table, with K, HeeSeung, and Seon.

not really wanting to talk about other participants, she just sat quietly, drinking whatever drink she'd found beforehand. whenever Seon made the 'maybe i'm not here because of my skills' comment, NaRi couldn't stop herself from rolling her eyes. he knows what he's doing. i don't like it.

NaRi, once again, sat anxiously in her seat, not wanting to keep her eyes on the screen. i could very much get eliminated, there's always a 50/50 chance...

NaRi was then shown in the voting room, her finger above other participants pictures, hesitating. "i thought about what i can feel from them and if i could be in a group with that person. i was harsh about it, but eventually made my decision." in the end, NaRi voted for Seon, JaeBeom, Taeyong, and YoonWon.

like last time, NaRi couldn't bare to watch the screen. although she played a part in why they were leaving, she couldn't help but to feel a little bad about it.

since her head had been down, when she heard "Kim Sunoo." her head jerked up, shocked. there's no way he's being eliminated again. he's so good! why can't people see his potential?

you thought she was shocked when Sunoo's name got called? so did she. when she heard "Yang JungWon", her mouth fell agape. okay now you guys are just being ridiculous. Seon is RIGHT THERE for crying out loud!

okay i really, really hope K hyungie saves JungWon...... but if i'm the next one to go i'm slapping someone.

OKAY GREAT JUNGWONIE IS STAYING! now i wonder who the next one to g- is that TaKi? ohhhh noooo...

NaRi, once again, dropped her head. she couldn't bare watching everyone around her fall apart, she didn't want to get caught in a vulnerable state on camera any more. hearing K's cries to TaKi only made it harder for her, her vision becoming more and more fuzzy by the second. God, i really wish i didn't know Japanese now..

she hugged Sunoo goodbye, telling him to take care of himself, to work hard, and began repeatedly apologising to the older boy. she hadn't done anything to get him eliminated, she just resented herself for not working harder with him.

once the egg closed, she followed K to wherever he went. not wanting him to be alone at this very moment, she brought him into her embrace and let him cry on her shoulder. being way smaller than him, this was hard to do, so she managed by dragging a chair with her and standing on top of it so he wouldn't have to crouch down to her level.

𝐈&𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐄, 𝐞𝐧𝐡𝐲𝐩𝐞𝐧Where stories live. Discover now