2021 KBS 가요대축제

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the girl was brought out of her dreamstate with kisses being peppered all over her face, sightly opening her eyes to find the one and only Lee HeeSeung hovering above her.

she scrunched her body into a fetal position before spreading her limbs, a whine of satisfaction sounding from her lips as she did so.

the red haired boy watched her with humoured eyes, giggling as she finished her morning stretch.
"good morning, princess,"
her cheeks puffed as she grinned, eyes still halfway closed, "good morning, hyungie,"

at this point, the members had all woken up, the others groggily making their ways around the dorm thanks to the cold that'd sneaked in from the outside.

the girl had decided to keep her blanket tightly wrapped around her body, her bare feet hitting the freezing tiles sending shocks of crisp waves through her body. should've worn socks, sorry mom

their staff members had told them to arrive at the company with bare, yet prepped faces for their makeup for the event.

she sat in the vanity room alongside three of the members, all going through their usual skincare routines with droopy eyes.

"hey, 언니," she sleepily smiled at her makeup staff member, the older smiling down at the girl as she lightly patted her head.

"can't fall asleep on me today, Reina. i've been given an.. intricate look to do on you," she grinned, NaRi lightly rubbing her eyes with her hands. "okay, 언니," was all she said, taking a sip of the drink the older had bought for her, knowing it'd keep her awake.

the staff member started with her usual base, leaving powder baking NaRi's face as she created her eyeshadow look.

NaRi looked in the mirror, eyes widening once she observed the look

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NaRi looked in the mirror, eyes widening once she observed the look.
"언니! this is the best you've done!" she happily exclaimed, the boys shooting out of their small naps to look at their girl.

multiple compliments, from both the members and their staff members, started sounding through the room, smiles on their faces as they watched her face slightly flush out of shyness.

soon enough the boys were done with both makeup and hair, some beginning to change into their 'intro' suits as it was easier for them to arrive to the venue with them on.

she glanced over as JungWon was the first to walk out with his white outfit, cheeks slightly flushing out of amazement at how the leader looked. she'd opted to stay quiet, as she knew she'd get teasing glares from the others for complimenting the Yang boy.

she waited a bit longer for her hair 언니 to tap her shoulder, letting her know she was done with her mission for the moment. they'd decided on keeping the style quite simple, as her outfits and makeup would shine through— simply curling NaRi's hair in looser beach waves, tucking the middle section under the rest of her hair while leaving her front two strands out.

𝐈&𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐄, 𝐞𝐧𝐡𝐲𝐩𝐞𝐧Where stories live. Discover now