ep20 - EN-O'CLOCK

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welcome, ENGENE
who came here upon hearing the news

[ SeonHak International Ice Rink ]

"Park SungHoon, fighting!"
"ice prince fighting~~~!" her bright voice called out, a smile on her face as she watched SungHoon on the ice, Given-Taken playing in the background.

the girl wore a brown hoodie under her black puffer jacket, accompanied with dark blue baggy mom jeans and multiple pieces of jewelry.

her mouth fell slightly agape as she watched the boy in is natural habitat, staying mostly silent. watching his videos on screen was way different than getting to experience it firsthand, she thought.

she lightly clapped as an excited waaa sounded from her lips, glancing at the boys before tossing the panda plushie she'd been holding into the rink.

she and the six laughed as they watched the Park boy flinch away from the plushies, eyes brightening as she watched him skate towards the panda, holding it along with Sunoo's.

"why is he only taking one?"
"he didn't accept mine.."
"he accepted mine!" Sunoo and NaRi happily said, waving their hands around.

[ it's time for EN-KIDS to step in ]

seeing as she'd ice skated plenty of times before, the girl had no trouble as she was forced to help Ni-Ki step onto the ice. she lightly smiled as SungHoon approached him, slowly letting go before speedily skating away.

all the members now stood in a line,
"everyone!" JungWon yelled, some of the guys chuckling at his voices' echo.
"hey, this place echoes,"
"AH!" Jay exclaimed, the others following suit.

"what time is it?" JungWon exclaimed after the screaming had subsided. "EN-O',"

Ni-Ki suddenly grabbed onto NaRi's shoulder as he'd felt himself glide away, the girl holding his hand, chuckling.

"anyways, it was awesome,"
"it was really amazing,"
"you were so cool," she called out, giving the figure skater a thumbs up, smiling.
"i really enjoyed it,"
"you were really cool, really,"
"it was really cool,"

"that was not even the tenth of how it was in my prime,"
"seemed like it."
JungWon laughed at Sunoo's rather blunt statement, "i saw a lot of your videos,"
"so did i,"
"but it felt a lot different in person,"
"all right, thank you," SungHoon said, shyly accepting the compliments from the leader.

[ get friendly with skates ]

NaRi stood by Ni-Ki as she easily put her helmet on, helping the younger tighten the strap when he'd looked at her, slightly sulking.

in contrast to six of the boys' bright orange ice skates they'd rented for the video, NaRi'd brought her own white coloured ones.

as the lesser experienced boys were shown struggling and learning with eachother, the aces of the team were seen gliding around effortlessly, the question [ why are HeeRi good at everything? ] shown on the bottom of the screen.

she glanced over as one of the boys had fallen, giggling at the sight.

amidst the chaos, SungHoon had decided to give the group a lesson on the basics of ice skating, NaRi deciding not to listen since "i don't learn from men."

𝐈&𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐄, 𝐞𝐧𝐡𝐲𝐩𝐞𝐧Where stories live. Discover now