can't stay

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trapped. part four

her arms remained wrapped around his figure for a while longer, leaving his presence being the last thing the girl wished.

"Mireia," he called out in his native language, "look at me, please,"

she hesitantly looked into her father's eyes, seeing herself when she finally did.

she looked... dead.

"do you see that?" he asked, the girl's eyebrows furrowing in confusion, "i.."

"listen to what they're saying, baby,"

she closed her mouth, now watching HeeSeung and YeonJun sitting on either side of her laying figure.

she heard their words, two of the voices she'd been dying to hear for the last fourty eight, torturous hours. she watched as tears rolled down their cheeks — stray tears falling from her own eyes.

his hand reached up, wiping the tears from her cheeks.

"go back to them, baby,"

she looked at his face once more, his eyes now back to normal — staring at the man she'd missed oh so dearly. the man she'd longed to see since he'd left.

the person she'd longed to say a final goodbye to.

however, now that she stood with him, in this place, she didn't want to anymore.

she wanted to stay with him.

"ah, ah, ah," he said, bringing NaRi back to consciousness, "you can't stay here with me, baby. you have to go back to them,"
"but i want to-"
"it's not your time."
she only looked at him now, mouth repeatedly opening and closing as she searched for the right words to say.

"you have seven wonderful boys waiting for you to return home. besides your millions of supporters waiting to hear of your wellbeing, you have hundreds of friends waiting to hear of it too. they all care for you so much, baby. don't let go of them just because of me,"
"no.. no buts. you've been sad over me for the past few years, but.. i haven't left you. i've been by your side, watching over you, seeing how the boys treat you and love you.. i've stood beside you in your highest moments and have sat across from you in your lowest. i haven't left, Mireia.."

her eyes blurred with tears once more.

he brought her into his embrace, the girl's arms clinging around his heavenly figure.

"someone has to take care of Samuel and your mother, Mireia. i'm sorry for leaving so abruptly, without being able to see you one last time.. i tried to stay for you three, baby.. i did. i promise you.. but it was my time."

a loud, choked sob escaped the girl.
"it's not your time, baby. don't come with me. stay on earth. stay with everyone. continue being the comfort people need, continue being the person people go to for their happiness.. i'm so, so proud of you, my love. you're doing so amazing, you make me so happy. other angels around me gawk at how great you turned out, they feel happiness for me as well. i don't want you to meet them, though.. i want to continue bragging of your greatness and your success. okay? promise me?"

𝐈&𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐄, 𝐞𝐧𝐡𝐲𝐩𝐞𝐧Where stories live. Discover now