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body image, harsh words.

"one week, guys! come on! work harder!"

work harder, the words repeated in NaRi's mind without an end. as if i haven't been busting my ass the past month for this comeback.

the first comeback was always the most nerve-wracking for idol groups, this being their one chance to prove they have good music and have a chance to make it big in the industry.

at least, that's what one particular staff member had been reminding them every day for the last three weeks, but you wouldn't hear a complaint from any of the members.

you couldn't, truly. their true feelings and opinions over the work they'd been forced to put in were silenced by the overwhelming fear they all felt for just one of their trainers, kang byung ho.

byung ho had been hired just after the group's promotions for border day one had ended, the members' consciences creating a barrier instinctively.

the man had taken a responsibility of looking over the eight members' individual vocal, dance, and rap training sessions, his contract stating he'd simply give them constructive criticism, seeing as he was fairly competent to do so.

not all rules are meant to be followed though, right?

when their comeback was first announced around the staff members and members themselves, everyone felt the high levels of excitement mixing with anxiousness suddenly surging through their veins.

with this, came the more frequent training sessions, workouts, and, unfortunately, diets.

something NaRi despised.

even with her high status through the company, she knew she wouldn't be able to convince anyone to let her use a 'no thanks' pass for this, sadly.

time was slowly creeping by, the group's schedules slowly filling with more practice room and gym time slots.

well.. this is what i wanted, i guess she thought to herself, keeping a steady pace on the treadmill. she'd been at this for twenty minutes, a thin layer of shine just barely making its way to her tanned skin.

she'd constructed three different workout schedules for her workout slots, one made for core/abs, the other for overall endurance, and the final for her glutes.

today, was the endurance routine. aka, the one she dreaded the most.

the girl wasn't new to working out, at all. a good bit of her later trainee life was spent in the gym, in fact. she simply held a great deal of resentment towards the activity as she knew it was mainly for pleasing the media's opinion of her outward appearance, knowing they care more about a sixteen year old girl's body mass index rather than her actual skill, but she felt somehow already used to it.

after forty five minutes, she'd made it through the twenty workouts and six sets of her created routine, a loud sigh sounding through the empty workout space as she trudged towards the treadmill once again.

after stepping off the machine, she stepped closer towards the mirror, eyes gazing over her figure through the mirror.

she didn't feel pleased.

what can i do to feel better about this?

after her workout, she'd freshen up to the best of her ability, soon moving to the studios where her trainer would be waiting to begin her first session.

she'd start with rap lessons, the tension in her body remaining after her heavy workout somehow disappearing as she recited lyrics from her mind, the syllables remaining an endless stream of emotions from her lips. after an hour, she'd wait for the vocal teacher to walk in, the two waiting for HeeSeung, as well. the two would train, singing duets every once in a while and critique their best friend on other occasions. after an hour and a half, the members would move to a larger practice room, sometimes stopping by a vending machine or the building's cafeteria, to meet the other six, then spending an hour and a half to two hours working on perfecting their dancing skills.

afterwards, the team would pack their belongings, splitting into their two groups, returning to their home for the day.

this routine. on repeat. every single day.

they were sick of it by the end of the first week, their burning desires for a more relaxed schedule topping their needs lists.

however, they managed. somehow, they were able to make it through. their bodies were the one to show the results of the draining routines, numbers suddenly having a great role in their lives.

even though he'd only been given a role to help with their performance traits, byung ho had somehow meddled his way into the member's progress, his own opinions coming into play, as well.

your shoulders need to be wider.
you need to drop another two inches from your waist.
your arms... not good enough.
you really think you'll gain more popularity with this weight?
not good enough.

just a few of the remarks the members had heard from the man, their lips threatening to turn downwards as the individual syllables marked their affect in their hearts.

he'd gone down the line, now standing in front of NaRi. his eyes scanned around her figure, his lips pursed. "turn around." he coldly instructed, the girl hesitating slightly before following his command.

"turn forward and bend over." what the fuck?

not having a choice, she once again followed his instructions, eyes traced on the floor as her members watched from across the room, the seven all holding their breaths.

"stand back up." he said, his fingers coming up to massage the space between his eyebrows. "you've done, nothing. none of your goals have been met. you hardly look any different, what have you been doing when you're in the gym? hm?"

her eyebrows slightly furrowed, confusing clouding her mind. my numbers.. they're below my goals, though?

her mind suddenly went back to the weigh-in and measuring the members all had just a few hours before, the girl sure she hadn't heard her progress numbers incorrectly. didn't choon hee unnie tell me she needed me to gain some weight back? i'm so..

she was snapped out of her thoughts as byung ho snapped his fingers in front of her face, her mind returning out of its sudden cloudiness. "NaRi. why the fuck are you not answering me? have you never been taught to obey your elders? hm? or have you been treated too much like a princess your entire life to not know how to, hm?" he spit out, eyes burning through NaRi's.

her body flinched, slightly breaking the boys' hearts. she looked down for a split second, looking back up to meet byung ho's eyes. "no, sir. i'm sorry. i'll work harder to meet your standards and to please you." she responded, hardly meaning the last words she'd spoken.

he smiled, "good. you better." he told her, soon walking out of the room.

🦇 ... !

𝐈&𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐄, 𝐞𝐧𝐡𝐲𝐩𝐞𝐧Where stories live. Discover now