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trapped. part five

"okay, she's still highly sensitive.. please, no loud noises around her."

the five sat on the floor nodded in unison.

"she's also very sad about the hiatus thing.. she mentioned how she wants us to make it seem like everything is fine.. and to imagine that she isn't in the group at all-"

"hell no."


Jay looked at the leader, anger beginning to shoot through his insides. "what? you're okay with pretending like one of our members didn't just go through one of the worst situations ever? you're willing to pretend like we're a seven membered group? you're okay with pretending like we don't have Mireia in our group? hm?" he emphasized the girl's name, glaring at his leader.

JungWon frustratedly huffed, his boiling anger quick to calm down as he knew the older was just frustrated, mind consumed with NaRi's situation. "no, of course i'm not okay with it, hyung. i've wanted to post the selfies she's sent us on SNS for days to let ENGENE know she's okay, i've wanted to do so much, but if it's what she wants then i'll go through hell and back to make sure it's what she gets."

the elder looked at the leader for a few seconds longer, noticing the fury mixed with sadness burning in his orbs. he nodded, sighing, "i'm sorry, Won."
JungWon sadly smiled, "we're all frustrated. and stressed. and want to act like everything is okay in the world, but it's not. but we're getting our NaRi back today, so it's a step closer."

the boys all nodded at his reassurance, heads jolting up as they heard a car pull into the driveway.

"okay, that should be them.. remember what we agreed on, okay?"

the boys once again nodded at his question, anxious to see the girl after what felt like hell.

the six held their breaths as the doorknob twisted open, their manager being the first one to step inside the house.

the older smiled at the idols, stepping to the side after placing a bag down on the ground. as he walked further inside the house, the boys heard a car door close, nervousness once again shooting through the roof as they weren't exactly sure of how they'd react to seeing their girl.

a few seconds passed by, sounds of three sets of footsteps getting closer.

finally, HeeSeung was the first to come into view, body held slightly back by the light purple sweater-covered arm they got a peek of. the eldest looked up at the members, sending a knowing smile before returning his attention to the slightly hesitant girl.

he smiled fondly at her, "it's okay, Mire.." he whispered, nodding his head as a way to encourage her to walk further into the home.

the girl just barely held her breath as she walked into the living room, of course aided by HeeSeung and YeonJun's tight grips on her arms.

she kept her eyes on the floor, taking still slow, steady steps as to not fall or injure herself further.

she attempted to keep her breathing steady as she made her way to the smaller couch they owned, the two sitting on either side of her as well.

𝐈&𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐄, 𝐞𝐧𝐡𝐲𝐩𝐞𝐧Where stories live. Discover now