ep. 1-1 | entry test

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"you said there was another 'secret' contestant? did you steal him from another company or something?" said Zico, looking over at Bang Si-Hyuk.

"no, no, of course not! i just couldn't mention her because it was supposed to be a surprise.."

"well, there.. uh.. she comes now?"

the producers looked at the screen, and sure enough, an unfamiliar teenage girl came into their view.

"ah yes! i'm very excited for you all to get to know her!" exclaimed Bang, his eyes turning to crescents while looking at the others' reactions.

"this is Kim NaRi. she's been training at BigHit since mid-2014."

"well how old is she? she looks like a baby!" cooed Rain.

"she was born in 2005. she's very well-known in the company, actually. she's been around Bangtan since they were a year old, and they've really taken a liking to her. she's also been around Tomorrow X Together ever since the first member got to the company." explained Bang, watching her with proud dad eyes.

the producers watched as NaRi walked down the trail; she walked carefully as to not accidentally fly down and create an embarrassing moment for herself already.

"WOAH!....okay yeah, that was really close."said NaRi after she caught herself from falling down the rocky path. meanwhile, in the producers room, they were laughing to the point of tears at the young girl's clumsiness.

after calming down, Rain's mind clouded with questions. "wait..but isn't there gonna be a girl version of this? so why is she here with 22 boys?"

"well... i don't know, if im being honest. she's been training for, what, 6 years? she's trained alongside some of the contestants here and has a skill that matches up to theirs, so we collectively decided that if this new group ends up being a boy group with a girl, then so be it." explained Bang as they watched NaRi finally make her way inside the large building.

"woah...WOAH! it's so big in here! hmm.. i'm gonna get so lost..." the girl said as she made her way through the entrance hallways of the building. "okay... almost there. gotta look cool. wait, i really hope BangPD isn't hearing me right now...*hehe* sorry!"

once again, upon hearing the young girls commentary, the producers bursted out into another laughing fit. "now you can see why we love her so much! this is exactly how she is!" exclaimed Bang.

oh shoot..the door is right there. okay, you got this. is my hair okay? does my makeup look fine? did i choose a good enough outfit?

to be honest, NaRi was super panicked, even though she had no reason to be.

she knew she was good. she had a crazy amount of confidence; heck, she was one of the reasons the "Love Yourself" concept was created by her hyungies,

but she knew she was the only girl.

she knew the boys would see her and immediately want her to leave because they'd think she wasn't competent enough to compete against them.

she stopped walking for a bit, straightened her outfit out, and took a deep breath before proceeding to the entrance.

the other 22 contestants were all casually talking to each other, waiting for the last competitor to walk through the tunnel. Seon stopped as he heard footsteps, and quickly got his seatmates attention as well. "he's here!"

the others stopped conversing as the unrevealed contestant slowly made her way through the tunnel. NaRi just barely heard the elder boys exclamation, silently giggling as she knew they were in for a huge surprise.

𝐈&𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐄, 𝐞𝐧𝐡𝐲𝐩𝐞𝐧Where stories live. Discover now