s2ep3 - ENHYPEN & HI

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[after the pitch-black darkness, the morning sun is rising]

[ but ENHYPEN is still fast asleep ]
[ they're all motionless while drifting in dreamland ]

"tomorrow, a wake-up song will start playing at 8 a.m. once you're awake, you have to come out to the yard."

NaRi groaned a bit, slightly whining towards the producers, "you know i can't wake up that early!"

NaRi was still in a deep sleep as the members began squirming out of sleep, Given-Taken playing as her dream's soundtrack.

the boys all began waking up one by one after JungWon had, the girl still remaining asleep.

the members began filing out one by one, Jay walking out with a blanket bundled up in his arms. the producers asked why Jay had a blanket bunched up in his arms, the rapper turning slightly to show NaRi, who was cocooned with the large blanket. the camera zoomed into the girl's face, viewers catching sight of her contented, sleepy smile.

"did you sleep well?"
"yes, we did!"

"..NaRi? did you sleep well?"
the girl lifted her face from the blanket, eyes barely managing to open. "if i could've slept for longer, yes."
the producer stifled his laugh, "it looks like you're pretty comfortable right now?"
she nodded, "i am. Seobie-hyung is comfortable."

the producer moved his eyes to Jay, "are you struggling carrying her?"
said member shook his head, "Mireia is really light. besides, it's not my first time doing this."

the camera shifted over the boy's faces, soon moving down to show NaRi's, who's eyes were just barely opened and who's face was still puffy.

[today's morning mission.]
the papers with breakfast menus written on them
are hidden across the yard!
must find the hidden papers in 3 minutes.
there are 14 papers in total and you get to eat the
menus you find!

the camera then cut back to the members, viewers now seeing NaRi standing beside Jay, the blanket still wrapped around her already multi-layered body.

"ready.. go!"
the boys, minus Jake, began running around the field, desperate to find breakfast menus. NaRi stood in her spot for a bit, mind still not working entirely. she simply looked around the spot she was standing, eyes scanning the area. by the time the three minutes were up, she'd picked up four pieces of paper, her face still reading pure exhaustion.

the boys walked back to where they'd been directed to stand, all quietly laughing at NaRi's tired expression. "how many papers did you find, princess?" HeeSeung asked the girl, causing her to look up. she showed the papers spread out, all showing different beverages they could choose from, the boy's eyes widening as he realized she'd also found four.

"you've found all the papers we've hidden."
"we'll see you after we've eaten breakfast!"
NaRi waved at the producers and cameras, her millionth yawn escaping her mouth.
the camera followed the group, viewers catching sight of the girl hurrdily running back inside the house with the caption "베이비 팬다는 그녀의 쉼터로 돌아간다" [baby panda returning to her shelter."

"thank you for the meal!" the members all exclaimed, NaRi seen taking tiny bites of her food as she was still tired. she finished her plate a few moments after the boys had, a small "thank you for the meal," sounding from the girl.

𝐈&𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐄, 𝐞𝐧𝐡𝐲𝐩𝐞𝐧Where stories live. Discover now