[vlive!] self-revised profile

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"Tada!! You've Waited Long, Right?😢"


NaRi sat between Ni-Ki and HeeSeung, a small smile making its way to her face as she watched the viewer count slowly rise. she wore an oversized dark green-colored hoodie and a black beanie covering her head, making HeeSeung stand out with his out-of-place looking clothing choice.

her head faced downwards as she watched their live from her own device, excitedly slapping HeeSeung's shoulder when the numbers continued getting higher and higher.

"hi!" she shyly waved along with the boys, being able to feel the nervousness radiating from the three sitting with her.

"1, 2, 3, hello! we are ENHYPEN's unit!" they greeted the still, raising number of viewers together. she silently giggled afterwards, oh gosh that was so awkward...

"that's why today we will create our written profiles... written by other members! and we'll also be doing it in a four-member group today."

"honestly, it's been a really, really long time since we did a VLive." HeeSeung said, making NaRi laugh.

"maybe since you guys did one.. i did one a few days ago." she said, an accomplished grin on her face.

as Jay explained what the four would be doing on live that day, HeeSeung showed the boards they'd be writing on... covering NaRi's entire body. "hey.." she pouted at the older, making him giggle at her cuteness.

"okay, let's start with HeeSeung!"

"first, name." NaRi looked over as Ni-Ki whispered something to Jay, then grabbing the younger boy's sleeve. "hey... tell me.." she pouted, leaning in when he whispered into her own ear.

"your handwriting is the best in our team." Jay said to Ni-Ki, making NaRi's mouth fall to the table. "that's so rude.."

"first.. let's go with HeeDdeung."
"aish, NaRi..."

"why is NaRi not answering any of his questions?" she read a comment aloud, immediately having the answer. "it's because i already know everything about him... and we wanted to make this fun! so i'm letting these two answer them and if they need help i'm here as well!"

"if you guess it right, i'll buy you delicious food today." HeeSeung said as the boys tried to guess his blood type, making NaRi pout. "can i get some too? i already know it but still.." she whispered, expression getting sadder by the second. the boy smiled at her, simply patting her head as a way of saying yes.

"the hobby... eating ramen, eating ramen, babying NaRi, eating ramen.." Jay listed off, quickly saying the third one, hoping NaRi didn't hear it.

..she did.

her mouth fell wide open, eyes following suit. "okay but i can't even get mad to be honest, carry on."

"ramen is really good food everyone.." HeeSeung started, making NaRi look up at him. "it's a food that only takes three minutes.."
"yeah you would know cause you time me while i make it for you," she began, playfully rolling her eyes. "everyone, HeeSeung-hyung always forces me to make him ramen. it's the food i've cooked most since we moved into the dorm!"

𝐈&𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐄, 𝐞𝐧𝐡𝐲𝐩𝐞𝐧Where stories live. Discover now