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trapped. part two

the two layed in YeonJun's bed for a while longer, the girls' phones' ringing never seizing. the boys became worried sick, desperate to know where their girl had gone.

while attempting to stay positive, some believed she was only at another groups' dorm, spending time away from them– which was understandable.

some, also staying positive, convinced themselves she'd simply gone to the company.

one, on the other hand, couldn't control his mind from going to the absolute worst. HeeSeung now sat on the couch, tears continuously flowing from his eyes, beating himself up for yelling at NaRi.

"hyung, you can't-"
"what? we never know. i've never yelled at her like that. she probably thinks i've never cared about her," his voice cracked a bit from the hoarseness of his throat.
Ni-Ki sighed, sitting beside the eldest, wrapping his arms around the boy's shoulders. HeeSeung laid his head on Ni-Ki's. "she thought about that. i told her it wasn't true, but hyung.. i know in my heart she'd never do that, okay? it's something she'd never want to put Samuel-hyung or her mom through,"

the boys all listened to the youngests' words— though they hated to admit it even to themselves, all of their minds had gone to the possibility of the girl doing something irreversible, though they'd been quick to rid that nauseating thought from their consciences. the six knew Ni-Ki'd somehow gained access to some of the girl's deepest and darkest thoughts— now persuading themselves the boy's words were correct.

"she's been through so, so much. things you only know about, hyung." he continued, HeeSeung's cries beginning to seize as he opened his heart to listen to the youngest. "whatever it was that happened a few years ago that she's always hesitated to tell the six of us, you know about it. you're the one who's known her the longest out of all of us. i highly doubt she'd ever willingly make you go through that, hyung, okay?"

HeeSeung nodded, the others, sitting on the ground around HeeSeung, also intently listening.
Ni-Ki sighed a bit before continuing, "she loves us all, so so much. even though she goes through these difficult ass, trying things, she's never going to give up. she's too defiant to ever give up because of some random girl that's been attacking her through SNS for years, hyungs. we know her, even if it's not every single little thing about her.. we know her,"

the boys now all looked at the ground, stray tears beginning to trail down their cheeks.
"would she want us to be sad right now?" he asked, the boys understanding it'd been a rhetorical question.
"i don't understand 100% what all she's thinking right now, but this can't ever happen again. okay? we've all thought what HeeSeung hyung is thinking at least once these past few hours, i know we have. it sucks but, we have. let's never fight like this again, okay?"

the boys' gazes all finally tore from the ground, the six older members now looking at their maknae, whose face held a small, saddened smile as he looked around. JungWon noticed the tear stains on his own cheeks, him and the five older wondering just how long he'd been crying.

the leader slowly stood from his spot, embracing the two on the couch in a hug. one after another, the boys slowly made it into a group hug– all happy, however there was a spot in the very middle missing.

"what if they don't want to see me?" she asked YeonJun, looking up from the ground.

the pair were currently on their way back to the ENHYPEN dorm, walking hand in hand.

𝐈&𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐄, 𝐞𝐧𝐡𝐲𝐩𝐞𝐧Where stories live. Discover now