meeting bts

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mid 2014

9 year old NaRi had just arrived at the BigHit Entertainment building after being accepted just a week ago; making her the youngest trainee in the company. judges at her audition and the others who watched her audition tape were in awe with the very young girls talents, and knew they had to accept her immediately.

and that's where she stands today. BigHit wasn't very well-known. it's a smaller company, having just gotten over the GLAM disbandment and the 2PM members returning to JYPe, NaRi and her parents knew she was taking a risk with signing the contract to train under them, also having seen how her older brother and his trainee group had gotten mistreated at another small company (Pledis), and eventually decided he was too young to debut, but decided to take the risk for their little princess' big dream.

since arriving, NaRi hadn't gotten to meet anyone except her trainers and the CEO. she knew of BTS, the almost year-old rookie hip-hop group; but she had yet to meet them. i wonder when i'll finally meet-

"oof!" quietly exclaimed the young girl as she was unexpectedly knocked onto the ground.

"oh my go- NAMJOON WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING! are you okay?!" asked an unfamiliar older guy while helping the random little girl up off the ground.

"uhh yeah i'm oka-"

"AWE WAIT HYUNG SHE'S SO CUTE CAN WE KEEP HER?" exclaimed another, reaching down to pinch the now flustered girls cheeks.

"okay wait maybe we should let her speak before we start touchiNG HER FACE! TAEHYUNG STOP!" another said, slapping the youngers hands away from NaRi's face.

all she could do was stand there with a look of both concerned and slight fear in her eyes.

"okay guys good job you all freaked her out. let's start over" another said, clearly fed up with his groups behavior, also looking somewhat ... tired?

"okay okay... BANG!"
"hello, we are the bulletproof boys!" the 7 all said in unison, and very loud if NaRi may add.

"ahh, hello, i'm Kim NaRi, nice to meet you, 선배님!" NaRi said, giving a quick 90 degree bow towards her seniors.

the boys couldn't focus on her formal introduction, all they could focus on was the very cute voice that belonged to the very small girl in front of them.

"as i was saying before i was rudely interrupted...CAN WE KEEP HER PLEASEEEEEE"

"no, TaeHyung, we can't keep her. we don't even know why she's here.. why are you here, uh, NaRi?"

"oh yeah," she began in English, "i'm a new trainee here! i'm so sorry for bumping into you before, i wasn't paying attention to where i was going and i definitely did not want this to be how i met you all.."

"no no no please don't apologise for that! that was just our stupid leader's fault! i'm Kim SeokJin, the eldest brother of BangTan!" said the nicest looking one (according to NaRi), holding out his hand for the young girl to shake.

"okay so we're introducing eachother now?, uh i'm Kim NamJoon, leader of BangTan, once again, so so so sorry i made you fall!" NamJoon said with an apologetic face.

"i'm Kim TaeHyung! but you can call me V. you're super cute, can we keep you?" said the most enthusiastic looking one, also the one who's gushed over NaRi the most out of the 7.

"uhm sure! let me just check with my manager and let you know if it's okay!" said the young girl, pure sarcasm laced in her words.

"i'm Jung HoSeok, also known as J-Hope!" said the sunshine-radiating looking older male. i might like this one the most thought NaRi as she looked up with a big smile on her face.

next, a boy NaRi would describe looks like a dumpling introduced himself. "hi, i'm Park JiMin!" he said to the tiny girl, face like (ᵔᴥᵔ). "he's so cute!" she lightly mumbled, returning the happiness with her own, very cute eye smile.

"h-hi! im Jeon JungKook, the youngest of BangTan! nice to meet you!" said a very wide-eyed younger looking boy. awe, he's so cute! he looks like a bunny

"uh, i'm Min YoonGi, Suga, whatever you want to call me.." said the last one, the one who looked the least enthusiastic from the group, but that didn't stop NaRi from wanting to be around him a lot more.

"nice to meet you all! once again, i'm Kim NaRi, and i just moved here from New York! please take care of me!" quietly exclaimed NaRi, bowing 90 degrees to her seniors.

🦇 ...  !

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