weak ²

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mental health issues, ed, food, physical sickness.

the group of 13 stayed in the practice room for a while, NaRi still embraced by YeonJun, the others cracking jokes in hopes of cheering the young girl up.

eventually came time for ENHYPEN to return to their respective dorms, NaRi being forced to say goodbye to her saving grace.

"promise me you'll eat something good when you get home?"

she sighed, thinking. "i'll think about it," she whispered back, voice muffled by the older's sweater.

YeonJun looked down at the girl in his arms, eyes turning sad once more, "NaRi.. you have to promise me."

she hesitantly looked into the boy's eyes, still not entirely sure of the words coming from her mouth. although, upon seeing the saddened look on YeonJun's face, she couldn't help but to give in. "fine, i'll try." she emphasized, knowing it'd be difficult no matter what.

"that's all i ask, now go.. TaeHyun looks like he'll die if i don't let go now," the rapper laughed, planting a kiss on the girl's head.

she weakly giggled, the ghost of a smile on her face as she moved to hug the others goodbye.

as the two groups parted ways and ENHYPEN began making their way to their cars, NaRi stayed quiet. i know they're gonna ask questions. i don't want to answer questions.

to her surprise, the seven didn't ask anything. Ni-Ki simply took her smaller hand into his as they walked to the parking garage, not wanting anything to happen to the girl since she was still weak.

as the group arrived at their dorm, NaRi let out a sigh. "can't let YeonJunnie-hyung down, now can i?" she whispered, carefully walking towards the kitchen.

"no, you can't. that's why you're gonna try and eat this, okay?" Jake asked from beside her, holding a plate of tteokbokki in his hands. she looked up at the boy, then down at the food, a sense of disgust forming inside of her. you gotta at least try...

NaRi quietly sat down at the table, watching as Jake served her a plate of food. "this is so weird, i'm usually the one doing this for you guys..." she weakly said, making the boy slightly chuckle.

"well, NaRi, you're not in very good shape. so i'm gonna be here, okay?"

she breathed out an 'okay', eyes finally landing on the food underneath her. that looks so gross- okay NO you have to try!

but you'll get even more fat.... NO BITCH you won't omg stop thinking like that?? hello???

"Kim." Jake said, interrupting NaRi's internal dialogue. he signaled down to the plate, telling her to eat.

she sighed out, slowly picking up her chopsticks, hands shaky.

"you can do it slowly, it's okay. let's just at least go for a bite, okay?"

her hand continued to shake, eventually moving the pieces of food to her mouth, hesitantly taking her first bite.

she chewed her first bite of food slowly, her mouth satisfied at the taste of one of her favorite foods. she swallowed, another sigh escaping.

"good! good! you're doing so good! can you keep going?"

she lightly nodded, hands moving a bit faster to pick up the rice cakes.

NaRi'd eaten about seven spoonfuls, or... chopstick-pickups... of tteokbokki before her stomach began to hurt.

"i don't think i can eat anymore..." she weakly whispered, eyes looking down.

𝐈&𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐄, 𝐞𝐧𝐡𝐲𝐩𝐞𝐧Where stories live. Discover now